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Layout: lyricaltragedyPattern: tillyness |
July 30, 2006
i think i need to visit the dentist soon. the back tooth or rather, my wisdom tooth at the top right is like.. chipped off. yea. and my front tooth, the one which i got it fixed when i was pri 3, is giving me problem. i think, i realli need to visit a dentist soon enough.i am deciding wether i should go for mani and pedi tomorrow.. sighs! cos my nails arent long enough as yet for them to perform some artsy operation. i think i shall shape let it jus grow until wednesday den i go make my nails ba! muahahahaha! oh well. yesterday i went to my grand's house. and... i went in to greet my grandma. she was sort of like checking some docs la. from the cupboard. then she called me over to look over at a bank book. it belonged to my grandpa. i mean, wtf is she doing, men. she is hella loose in the head! gosh! so i had no choice but to answer her Q&A section about it la. den it's like intruding of privacy. i feel super lousy though. after looking through, she said she is going to quarrel with my grandpa today, sunday. which is like!!!!!!! come on. this is getting out of hand! she calld my 2nd uncle over and they sort of discussed thing. and my uncle left saying that he will provide for her. jus leave it alone. and so, my third, first uncle, my mum and my grandpa were talking at a coffeeshop near my grand's hse. and it came to a conclusion. so today, after i came back from brkfast, i sort of expected phone calls to come in and all telling us about the situation. which it nvr did. i got tired from waiting and i went to SLEEP. yes. sleep. suddenly my mum woke me up ask me to cook dinner. i was like huh! u wake me up to cook dinner? why cant you do it. so she said she receive sms from my eldest uncle to go down to grand's hse immeidately. imagine he sent it at 7pm. 7.30pm den she woke me up. ha! so yea, drama mama den she wanted to go le. she called my third uncle and was den told that she dont need to make star appearance(ya right) cos my third uncle has sent my grandpa to my youngest uncle's house. so, yea. i mean.. its all seperated. what does she get from it? she will onli invite gossips and all. what she gets from a broken family, men. i sms-ed winson last night and he replied something like i thought your family just had a joyous occassion or smth like tat. i blurred for a moment and i realise, yea. it's my sis's wedding some 3 weeks back. and now, its broken! i mean, i haf very vivid memory of my childhood.[ so, the next fucktard who comes up to me telling me i have no childhood, u are hella right but i dont need you to remind me.] and yea, so his image to me was that of a very jovial man and yea, we always go for brkfast in the morning on sunday. and we would go to my grand's hse. he would always ask me to sit next to him while watching tv and played a palm game. the game where he would clench his fist and catch my finger if i put my finger unto his palm. yea. it was such a simple game and yet, it really made me happy. and of all things, this had to happen. my great grandma passed away and my sister got married. after this, everything jus went berserk. it just went with the wind. *poof* and, i hate a certain kinda breed of human kind. i think it suits calvin the gay pretty well.
so how do i deal with this kinda people? go with their mentality. everything they say, jus say yes. if its funny, laugh. not funny, pretend to laugh abit so as to boost their already very high morale. tmr i am free the whole day. GOODBYE!! |