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Angela Khoo coming 19 on july 18 emotionally attached early childhood educator wishlist
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♥Angela Chan
♥Candice Mei
♥ Felicia
♥ Keline
♥Yanqin laobu
♥Eldrid Monkey
Layout: lyricaltragedyPattern: tillyness |
September 30, 2006
okays. update for yesterdayas usual, work was pretty horrible. my partner stuck with her 3 kids and i had to take the remaining 8 myself okays. can you imagine? haiz. so tired. ms jesmin already split 5 to my group in the end mine had like 8. haiz. wad the hell.. and before my kids went to sleep, Lennon took the frisbee out from the gym room. and my partner saw it and she asked who took it out. den she said something very loudly which made me really pissed. "WHO TOOK THIS OUT?? i know it's not the 3 of you(points to her darlings). WHO TOOK IT! BETTER SAY!" and hello, they're all halfway to sleep le. and you shout! how you want them to sleep? GOODNESS! then isabelle said it's Lennon. then she went to scold Lennon. i mean, hello! you took all of them out from thr gym room. cant you check? or rather, didnt you check? GOSH! and my poor lennon got scolding. sighs! going with them to botanic garden on Monday class was okays. went back and didnt see them for such a long time. the class is once again lively. weeha! and fion from the duo gang went to present something. and she used the term kor kor jie jie. i mean, hello! do you say that to your kids? i was pretty turned off and i just snapped at her "i think you had better use a formal term." the assignment was to present a workshop to parents. you talk like that, goodbye! after that, went to isetan, ck tang and fareast with danting to eat indian food at this indian restaurant. many funny things happened. lazy to type. next time i will type. haha! then took cab home cause i was late. and........ i had diarrhea so cant meet calvin and YZ for the movie rob b hood. missed it. i think i will catch it with danting instead. >: ) oh wells. i added a few people back to MSN. ha. and i didnt know he was on my list all the while i deleted him but he didnt delete me. oh well! his nick is kinda you know.. so i think he's single now. as usual. oh well! his happiness flew away? i am listening to the SYF piece which my school preformed last year. i missed those times. oh well~ chinese orchestra~~ >: ) i am so tired. shall go sleap and update later on. my horoscope says to take initiative and not wait for things to come to me. should i take initiative? sighs! September 28, 2006
today is a tiring day. my class had 9 little kids today. was chasing after them. especially the new girl. she doesnt seem to me that she has settled down. and i think the teacher i am partnering with is kinda spoiling that kid. and i dont know how to tell her not to. i mean, today me and my partner didnt eat our lunch because we had totally no time. and no food were left so the aunty was kind enough to prepare for me and her. so i ate first and later on, my partner went. she took like forever to come back!!! that new girl was crying for her(because my partner spoilt this kid and this kid refuse to let anyone touch her.) and i asked another teacher to help me get my partner and she was actually still eating!! she was wailing and shouting and screaming!! when my kids are sleeping!! goodness! if me, i'd go and let her sleep before i resume my lunch. so she was practically wailing and i had no choice but to talk to her and calm her down.because she is SO LOUD, my isabelle and chelsia woke up. goodness! and they were sleeping next to each other and i had to like spread myself so i can reach out to the 3. isabelle pass urine on the bed and chelsia woke up to pass urine also. so i had to shower isabelle and wash and disinfect. goodness! then she came in with that crying new girl. i was like O.O!! then who is there looking after my other kids?? goodness gracious! the other teacher were having meeting so they cant help me out. so i had no choice. grr! and she kept complaining to me she is having headache, gastric and all those stuff. then how come lao shi doesnt get it? and we still have lunch with the kids when lao shi is around. and now? zzz! maple is finally up up up! haha. let me show you the maple tv. ![]() kinda stupid. haha! but i think it's interesting. you can send message through this TV to people whom you want to shout out to. and it will have the sender and the receiver's IGN and Avatar. so cool huh? ![]() this is my avatar. hahahahaha! ^^ okays. i think i better go off. i have no idea what to blog about. tomorrow going for supper or meeting danting. see how things goes. ciao! September 27, 2006
GOODNESS GRACIOUS!!!! maple is still down. argh!! i don't know for how long already. it seems to me like forever. haha! ya right.. nahz. i think it's about half a day and more coming. haha.my tagboard is well and up again. changed back to cbox. i think it's much better. what's more? it's working fine and well now. muahahaha. i know the colour sucks. but i cant help it. i suddenly have the urge for bright colours. ha! anyone know the code for the music to play at the back? like without any logos or what-so-ever. just MP3 playing at the back. just email me or MSN me the dumb code will do. i'll support the MP3 file myself. that's no probs. >: ) thanks although i know no one will reply. ha! sighs. tomorrow day 2 of pract 2. danting sms-ed me just now. she has no motivation at all as well. same goes to me. i have like NO IDEA what to write about. goodness! now i'd have to build good rapport first. haha! but now, at least Nitika isn't afraid of me anymore. and i think it's a good sign. i went in to the centre today and my darling N1s come rushing to me. haha. i miss them alot!!!!! especially Vera. my strawberry shortcake girl. haha! she's the one who got me crazy into strawberry shortcake. haha! she's such a darling!! well, everyone is. haha! oh wells. i shall now spam click maple icon on my desktop. haha. see ya! oh well. today was a pretty relaxed day. but i must say, it's not for long. today i have only 5 girls in my class. and 1 on trial. 3 of them were pretty havoc while the other 4 wasn't. what a headache! the girl on trial has her mother accompany-ing her. so that was a bit relaxed on my part. during lunch time, they were practically playing. haha! and i've got beehoon all over my hands just by helping them scoop food. haha! and i must say Audrey (my focus child) is much closer to me. haha! she's such a darling. haha! i called her darling and she called me darling also. haha!! very sweet little girl. haha! when in the playroom, Kako nose bled. and i didn't notice until the kids told me. i was carrying her before then and i didn't know there were blood on my shirt too! goodness. then i left the centre with blood stains on my shirt. the aunty even asked me what happened. other then that, i think all's well. i've got to fetch my cousin from school already. and that stupid maple is down up til 6pm. about 2.5hrs behind the scheduled time. OH WELL! this isn't the first time. >: ) argh.. it's just too early. GOODNESS ME!!!!!! sighs. i've got to leave in like 10mins. sighs! why am i torturing myself.. why did i even edit y time slot. argh! danting is doing half day!!!!! goodness gracious me!!!!!!!!! sighs. but if i do half day, i'd waste 3 more days. if i don't waste 3 days, i'd be slacking the 2hrs during full day. muahaha. forget it. i shall just stick to it. ACCEPT FATE!!!! it's been a very long time since i even rushed for the train so early in the morning. i don't know what's lined up for me today. but i shall just wait and see. weeha~ slept at 2am. isn't it cool? LOL!!! i only had like 5hrs of sleep. and now i mus drag myself up. goodness!! now, i'm wondering which track should i take. Jurong east or Raffles place? i think raffles. it's nearer. woohohohoho~ okays okays. i've got to go now. bye! yes! i change skin again. Cal says it doesnt suit me. because it's too neat. damn him.. anyway, just a random conversation exchanged between calvin and I... [01:08:51 AM] Angela ???™: aniwaes [01:08:55 AM] Angela ???™: i dreamt of u again [01:08:56 AM] Angela ???™: LOL [01:09:42 AM] ( ¯_:¯_:¯_[¯: -.- [01:09:43 AM] ( ¯_:¯_:¯_[¯: when [01:09:48 AM] Angela ???™: past few days [01:09:53 AM] ( ¯_:¯_:¯_[¯: omg [01:10:00 AM] ( ¯_:¯_:¯_[¯: TOLD U HOW MANY TIMES DON DREAM OF ME [01:10:12 AM] Angela ???™: oh man.. i cant help it [01:10:13 AM] Angela ???™: LOL [01:10:14 AM] Angela ???™: wahahahahahah [01:10:16 AM] Angela ???™: faints [01:10:19 AM] Angela ???™: duno how mani times le [01:10:23 AM] Angela ???™: something bad is coming [01:10:59 AM] ( ¯_:¯_:¯_[¯: something DAMN GD is coming la [01:11:03 AM] Angela ???™: lol [01:11:11 AM] Angela ???™: i foresee nth good [01:11:12 AM] Angela ???™: hahahaha [01:11:28 AM] ( ¯_:¯_:¯_[¯: cause u not fortune teller ma [01:11:32 AM] Angela ???™: hahaha [01:11:35 AM] Angela ???™: da bian [01:11:37 AM] Angela ???™: rolleye hehe! okays. i really have to go now. waking up at 7am tomorrow. good night!! i just received an sms and it got me grinning all the way. WAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! i miss you too!! and i'm sorry.. >: ) of course it's not from the guy i like. haha!! if it is, i'll be jumping around. Angela Chan went to see Energy!!! GOODNESS!!!!!!!! haha. she's sending me the pics over now. wahahaha! i am so happy!!!! kunda!!!!! *loves. September 26, 2006
today is an everlasting tired day for me. oh well. why? try slacking for oh-so-many days and you'll know why. i apparently set the alarm at 9am. knowing me, i actually snooze it all the way and i actually off my alarm in the end. and hell! i woke up at 11am. i quickly did my time slot for my practicum 2, print it out, fill up my pract 2 folio and had it over and done with.showered earlier so that at the last minute, i won't have to rush. was on time to meet sharon on the train. while on the way to school, i was practically yawning. GOODNESS ME! went back to school to get the letter and to get back my practicum 1 folio. it was bad. very bad. VERY VERY BAD. i actually had a D+. can you imagine how bad it is? goodness gracious.. sharon and yati saw my results and they were equally shock. because they're under Dot as well. sighs! but i will have to admit this practicum 1 folio wasn't very well done. i didn't put as much effort compared to other assignments. this time, it'll be in the middle of many other modules. i hope i can pull through to make ends meet. heard that Philip is back to lecturing at ICEC and seems that there's no chance i'll get him. THANK GOD! but some says he's good and my group says he isnt. oh well. maybe they must get the C in their report to understand what we mean. but somehow, i'd have to agree that he's actually... not that bad. oh well! he's back and i'll see him. whatever it is. i won't be able to get him anymore. to hell with it. >: ) went for the lead in interview at my centre. have to take PG no matter what. i already accept fate. 3 weeks shall and will pass by very fast. hopefully, i put in as much effort this time round. don't want my effort to go wasted yet again. D+ was a very close shave. went to the pasar malam with sharon just now. the one next to causeway point. MUAHAHAHAHA! i finally bought my Strawberry Shortcake towel. WEE~~ and sharon and i shared this Handkerchief pack. weeha! so happy!! >: ) i got to know this guy on friendster and he claims he's dying soon. and he actually emails me for my contact. i mean, come on. do i look dumb enough to give it to you? perhaps i look dumb enough so he attack me. oh wells. now he's asking for cash. COLD HARD CASH. 300 bucks alright. it's crazy! of course i said no. i don't expect a nice reply in return. am waiting for a harsh reply. speaking about email. i email-ed PINC months ago and i have yet to receive any reply. and they said they will get back to me shortly. oh well. it's very short already. okays. was talking to FS yesterday. haha. i actually told him i like someone. hahahahaha! and he told me to go ahead. hahahaha. i sound so silly. it's been a long time since i told someone i like another person. oh well, i think that guy has someone he likes too! from what i read on his blog it seems so. let nature takes its course. maybe he reads my blog. maybe he doesnt. i just suddenly felt this feeling recently. i don't know why. actually i've had this feeling pretty long ago. ha.. but wasn't sure. don't want to be either. but now i know. to say or not to say? i have no idea. oh well. maybe in time to come, i will. whatever it is, i will just leave it. my handphone accessory came off. ha. i don't want to put it back. whenever my HP is lost in my bag with the setting of forest, the accessories gets stucked and when i pick up calls, i'd have to lower my head to the bag. how pathetic. i think i had better arrange them altogether again when i am free. i have the thought of covering my computer table top with a towel so that when it gets dusty, i'll just wash the towel. cos the dust is really accumulating and when i cleaned it the other day, it was SUPER dusty. told me sis about this idea just now. i'll have to ask my mum later. danting is kinda crazy. she spent like about $100 at PS. goodness! and she has not enough to pay. gosh. that crazy woman!!!!!!!! but in the end i didn't know who help her settle the bills. oh well, shall ask about it when i see her on Friday. no KTV until very long... okays. i think this entry is long enough. i am trying very hard to not type shortforms in the entry. if there's afew here and there, do pardon me! >: ) bye! I've liked you for very long...
i saw something somewhere.. it's something likethe best love song is written with a broken heart how true? the one listening to the song will be equally touched too i guess.. i think i'm getting SO bored that i'm updating like almost every minute when i got the time.. sighhhhhhh. monkey tot it's hb fault den wanna go scold him. lol. but it's my fault. hahahahaha. den he had nothing to say. muahahahaha. oh well............................ what can i do? oh well~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sighhhh! September 25, 2006
hmm.. i am uber uber bored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!it's exam period and there's no one to entertain me. hahaha! i think today i shall sleep early. >:) sighssss~ tmr going for lead in interview which kinda suck. sighs! i think i shall accept fate and take PG class. playgroup ah playgroup.. hai. so scared. Mei from ICEC called and told me she'll be my pract supervisor. which is okays i suppose.. heh.hope she doesnt expect much. *prays* haiya. i think karma has dawn upon me. wahahahahaha. oh wells. i shall accept it den. haha~ love love love.. what's love~~ going to suntec with stef this saturday. *hopefully* yeaps! but i'm broke. go also no use. can onli use my eyes go do shopping. and i'm still waiting for that guy to call me regarding the bear bag from the Zinc shop. heh! he said it cost right about $30. i think it's a fair deal la huh. but danting says that she has the bunny one and when she went home alone the other day, she sat on the train and had to carry the bag and she said the whole world is looking at her. which i thought yea. true. but, BAH!! whatever. buy le den say. muahahahahahaha! sian. i am SO UBER bored. my hair sucks. ever since the last hair cut, it sucks. YUCKs. it's as thick as duno what. i also think it's the aftermath of rebonding and perming and rebonding. AND!!!!!!! it's SO dry. my conditioner used to work wonders. but now? BAHHHH!!!! i also think it's partly cos of the ascience shampoo. i'm not saying it's totally that shampoo's fault la. but perhaps i should try the treatment and conditioner thingy also. hai. but i jus bought a new shampoo!!!!!! RAH! i think i'll just finish the new one.. *faints okayssssss.. here are some pics.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() that's all!!!! haha. sometimes i jus feel i'm a silly girl. haha! i still laugh over past incidents and shrug it off by laughing at it again. sometimes i feel that i'm the most fortunate person. however, sometimes, i feel that i'm the worse. what's love? hmm. i certainly believes that when love strcuks, a girl goes with her feeling. but in some instances, we jus gotta use our head. there'e smth which says if it's urs, it will come bak. i was thinking about this.. how to make this thing come bak? an opportunity is needed. right? and kev and winson once told me that an oppourtunity is not given them. it's created by you. how true aye? but.. how r u gonna create when it's not even given? sighs. so complicated.. i've been like slacking around for oh-so-very-long. heh. was playing maple to amuse myself. and viewed my past screenshots. haha! some were so funny. and some were pretty u know.. not very nice. haha.. oh wells. memories.. my keyboard is gonna spoil like very soon. i think cos i press the button for too long. haha. all cos of the stupid game which i use to amuse myself. i suddenly felt like adding my old friends back. ha. i duno y. dun ask me y. maybe it's the aftermath of listening to too many old songs. haha. and i'd also like to meet my old friends. many of them. pri sch, sec sch, wadever it is. >: ) haha. i'm going crazy.................................................................................................................................. hb angry wif mi again. LOL! i dun blame him la okays. its realli my fault this time. hahhha! loves! okays. i think i'm going off.. >: ) September 24, 2006
long time since i blog? haha. i duno. kinda seem long to methe other day talked to kev's frd. muahaha. the things he told me kinda strike me in a sense. oh well.. realli gotta think about wad he said aye? my practicum is well and fine i suppose. but i'm waiting for my boss's call. duno why she haven call me. zzz. wait so long already. she post me to PG. i'm kinda afraid lor. hai. cos Pg is a relatively young class and i'm not sure what are their teaching routines. for the older class is fine cos i've been with them before. but PG.. lessons with PG... HMMMMM... nid to ask danting for some erm... tips. afterall she's with PG for quite some time now. totally no motivation to do my pract 2 at all. sucks!!!!! jus now grandpa and my third uncle's family came over for dinner. ok ba. at least got ppl around. re nao abit. haha! today i found loads and loads of old songs. am so so so happy. hahahaha. told u i live in the past. hahahahaa! okays. i think that's all. HEHEHEHEHE!!!! September 23, 2006
oh well. i should wake myself up now. he's not mine and never will be ever again...get your feet on and move on. stop being who you are not.. ANGELA KHOO! wake up to reality... sighs. i dont know what to feel. i dont know how to feel. i love you? perhaps i still do. but... you'll never be mine. this is the first time after so long i am feeling like this. i just hate it alot. why am i holding on to something which will never come back? perhaps i shouldnt have even went to look at it. it just breaks everything apart.. "if one day, i tell you that i want to come back to you, will you believe me?" "yes. i believe you." September 20, 2006
i duno wad title to put. so i shall jus put that.went out with ting yday. just being at dhoby ghaut alone, we're there for almost half a day. that's how bad it is. watched the banquet with her at cathay cine. the movie was nice. very nice. and it lasted for quite some hours. but i wanna know who killed the "emperor" in the end. and ting actualy say that they will show more after credits. ya right.. but it was none lo. mani ppl stayed back as well. but to no avail. next to danting is like a few sec sch/JC kids. KIDS. lol. okays. student. that guy directly next to her is like... ... ... ... childish? i duno. cos there were parts where zhang zhiyi's body is kinda bare and that guy directly next to her was like "WOAH" i'm like o.o can u imagine?!?!?! den he kept shaking his left leg which irritated danting alot. and he was sitting on our seats before we came. we reached right on the dot. when the credits rolled fore the first time, we sat there and then. packed food from long john in. a great meal we had in the dark. ha! after that, we actually thought of going to Dhoby exchange's Zinc shop. i wanted to know if they have this bag which is actually like a teddy. so, yea.. but they didnt have. that guy was nice to help us call and check if they have it at other outlets. but they didnt have. so he asked me to like leave my contacts. i hope they get bak to mi tho... >: ) den we shopped at dhoby exchange and we had dinner there. some pepper restaurant. we spent like about %90++ there and then and we were told that we can redeem 1 movie ticket for every $40 spent. so yea. we did. and we got 2. but its valid only from Oct26. how pathetic. some del night show. cant rmb.. den we went to PS' arcade to try the sweet machine. spent almost $20 to get NOTHING. mind u.. dung.. den we both sat there and ZEN. how nice. after that went to M industry. they're having this 50% sale going on. so cool!!!!!! but i didnt buy anithing.. ting bought a bag and a few piece of shirt. den we went home. today is the last day of lesson until like next Friday. wahahahahahaha. but my pract 2 starts next week. my boss called mi last night to complain about some stuffs. i mean staffs working there currently. sighs. i hope she dun gimme toddler class tho.. *cross hand* while in class, the usual bunch of us were talking. and the topic diverted to those Korean shows. den we were asking ea other wad is the show's title mah. den no one amongst us knew so we jus dropped it lor. den i was waiting for sharon to finish her meeting before we can go off. den while in the lift, this duo which i hate, 1 of them la. came and ask mi about the show we were talking about and she actually told me the title of the show. omg! she is actually eavesdropping. DUNG! seriously leh. this kinda ppl... argh... den i called ting and complain while on the way home. this duo is horrible. to the MAX. September 18, 2006
okays!!! i am back back back. school was uber boring. this lectuer kept picking on my group!!! i mean, hey. we just merely TALKED and ATE in class when u're lcturing. not as if other people dont. u r jus TOO boring for us. maths is suppose to be a wee bit interactive. but YOU just have to torture us. GOSH!painted my nails. both finger and toe nails. weeha! i'm pretty satisfied tho. hehehehehehe. tmr gonna go out to tangs, fareast and the cathay with Ting. hehehehehe! she's sure gonne shop like crazy while i shall offer my invaluable comments. hehehehehehehehe today had a last minute briefing for pract 2. gonna ask my boss later if i'm able to do practicum over there. better to ask. right? i've changed my tagboard and update my profile on my blog. when u click to view my profile, the song will play again in the background. when u navigate to another link, the song will stop. so dont stay at my profile page for so long. i know it's not as if u want to. right? heh! okays. i shall be off to play game now. hehehehe. stef intro me a new game which i tot is super interesting. wahahaha. byee! more or less. the editting of the codes are done. hurray!! my tagboard is changed. past post? forget it. start anew. might be changing blog URL as well. might be only. til then.. bye! it's so gonna rain again. >:( September 17, 2006
yeaps. it's been raining thw whole day alright. jus as i was taking my afternoon nap............... an sms came."****... my account got hacked..." i freaked out men... sighs. everything GONE!. gone with the wind that is blowing in to my room. *woosh* sighs. everything wiped clean. as clean as how i wiped my kid's butt. what to do now? no idea. gone.. everything gone... --------------------------------------------------- suddenly have the mood to change my blog's codes. shall do so now. in case the mood is gone and i leave this blog skin like that. have you heard my blog song? do you think it's suitable?? i think it is. but it sounds weird-er than the original one. i shall put credits later. --------------------------------------------------- i dreamt about him this few days. for what? they say ri you suo si ye you suo meng. to translate, it means, if you think about it in the day, you dream about it in the night.. how true? i have no idea. and they say when you are thinking about someone, that person is thinking about you too. how true? i have no idea. i don't wanna know it either. --------------------------------------------------- okays. i shall go edit my stuffs now. i have no idea why my tagboard is still not refreshing after being tagged. it's so weird. i might change a tagboard soon. or perhaps, try changing skin to see if anything works.. chill on this cold cold sunday! -------------------------------------------------- so, hey! lol. okays. i shall jus recap wad happened on Friday la huh. i was rushing assignment like rushing a train on thurs evening to get my module for "involving parents and community" right. so, i did and all. put in thumbdrive and brought it to school. and thus, waited for danting to give mi hers so i can copy and paste all together mah. den she printed hers out. den told me nvr bring thumbdrive. den i was like okays... but she forgot la.. i know how absent minded she can get sometimes. but lukcily she found it in the end. so copy and paste. den we had to fill up the assignment cover sheet thingy. like who is in the group and student number and all those la. DEN!!!! there's this due date segment.. den pris was like when is the sumbmission date ah? den duno how come.. all of a sudden, someone told us not today. so i'm like WHAT! i rush til so late and in such a hurry tell me not today. the submission was like end of this coming week. i'm like uh.. okays.. DUNG! holy crap!!!!!!!!!! but in the end we just did it to u know.. not have clashes of assignments.. so yea.. in the end hand in. sharon was nice to wait for me luh.. when she can jus go off. hehe! den when in class. there's this DUO that i pretty dislike.. den there's this girl who got attached recently and changed herself from a quiet mouse to a daring tiger!!!!!!!! fall in love si bei great meh? maybe she's trying to be like afew of us like u know.. veyr outspoken. and i think she's trying TOO HARD to be outspoken. the other day, sharon pris and ting was late cos the assignment couldnt get printed and they had to go tian tian's house to actually print it.. so they were pretty late. however, they signed the attendance file. so bernie was also late for no reason and when the lecturer ask her to sign the attendance, she came up wif loadsa crap to cover up her laziness. and so... after bernie signed, she gave it to one of the duo and asked this:"***, u r late rite? do sign the attendance." immediately, that girl went like "i'm not the late one" WTF MEN!!!!!!! i realli think she did it on purpose lor. her tone is so god dammit obvious!!!! like she's trying to say that the late one is pris sharon and ting instead.. but the fact is, SHE IS ALSO LATE AS WELL!!! jus that came earlier a lil bit. like wad the hell can. i heard it den i was pretty pissed. and that sentence seems SO GOD DAMMIT LOUD. pris heard it as well. wtf!!!!!!!!! den we had to present a book infront of the class. den she sat down presenting while everyone has to stand. fuck. den she was pretty soft. so the lecturer asked her to face us so we can hear. den she was like "hurhurhur. they can hear one la." den i'm like within a split second, i replied her very sarcastically without even thinking. i said "hurhurhur.we cant hear." den she give tat LL face. bernie pris and ting was like woah woah. good good. i'm very pissed le lor. den the other time is.. now is her partner's turn to actually present another thing. again, it was soft. so the lecturer ask her to turn also and the lecturer ask if "people at the bak can hear." and i was at the bak den i said "we cant hear properly. not clear." den the one who was supposed to present jus laughed and turn around. but that partner who jus fallen in love said"she haven even say anithing." NABEI!!!! FUCK HER MEN!!!!!!!!!! i was super pissed. and i talk VERY LOUD AND CLEAR. i said this"eh. if she haven say anithing, y did the lecturer even bother asking her to turn around? obvisouly she said something that made the lecturer ask her turn around to speak it clearly. u DONT anyhow anyhow." den mummy leanne and mummy suat turned and laughed at me explanation. of cos, my friends around me did so too. na bei. u wan logic? i give u logic. u wan guai lan, i give u guai lan. after i said that, the person who SUANED me give that fake smile. fuck. if u think falling in love is so fucking great and it boost ur confidence, sorry! try another partner. fuck. okays. now the conflict thing. i jus gotta say, u hafta sacrifice to get something. so, u hafta sacrifice a friendship to get to know another person. thats all i've gotta say. and and and!! if ur friendship bond is strong, nothing bad will happen. but, its jus too bad it happened. sorry girl. try again next time. stop telling me childish stuffs. show me that u r 15 and not 5. okays. that marks my pissful friday. saturday? went out wif danting and pris to Icon. they bought loadsa stuffs luh. its a good thing that i went out without cash on hand. WAHAHAHAHAHAHA! went to this gachapon shop. SO COOL CAN!!! omg omg omg. wanted to buy. but dun see the need. hahahaha. den went to the cathay wif danting to catch the haunted apartment while pris went to meet her mum at outram park. so, we bought ticket den went to eat at this shihlin. i love the osyter meesua. weeha!!! catch the movie at about 6.10pm til about almost 8pm. den went to urban male shop to look at the Haviana shoes. or rather, sandals. i so very wanna buy it lor!! den ting and i was like we should come and buy a pair each. haha. den walked around the cathay as well. den went to PS we went to the arcade and played puzzle bobble for awhile. den u know there's this machine which scoops sweet and it has the jackpot thingy.. den ting and i used $3 to try it. den we onli like got 2 sweets. ting was like wow! $1.50 for 1 sweet! so high class hor. lol. she is so lame. wahahaha. den we walked like 2 seats away den 3malay guys were also playing. den the one operating the thing took out the sweet from the machine pocket and hint his friend to like open his bag so he can put the sweets in. dne i told danting that actually he dun nid to open. both pur bags big enough. no zip de. open he can put in le. den we both were laughing so loudly that i think the malay guys know. hahaa. den they also laugh. lol!! den when we were playing, there's this girl sitting next to us staring at us den the bf behind us. den she was like giving a stupid stare lor..zz!!!! den i tot she wanna play the one which i am at but when we left, she didnt even play. STUPID. den afterwhich, we went to marks and spencer to buy sweets. sweets which cost us $4++ per pack. lol. she was crazy la. she bought 2 pack. 1 pay by nets 1 pay by cash. siao char bor. den i had no choice but to nets also. no cash on hands mah. den after that, we went home. TADA~~~~ and sunday? stay home rot. lol!! i think that's all. its getting too long. i typed this from 11 til 12. how great!!! lols September 16, 2006
it was a dramatic day yday. i shall list down wad happened
its enuff to leave me wandering the whole day. i jus feel so drama. so, yes. shall elaborate more when i come home. am going out now. byee! September 15, 2006
the friendster messages really freaked me out. one after another came out and by someone whom i totally do not know. the sudden exchange of phone numbers was too sudden. and the gift.. what was it for? i have no idea. was telling monkey and copying and pasting for him to see. gosh! it really freaks me out.completed the assignment on time. congrats. no midnight oil burnt this time round. WEEHA! good job. *pats self on shoulder* LOL! eh. something is just so wrong huh. i mean with the codings and all. i have no time to figure it out until like about weekend. weeha~ have work like later on. so, yea. so long never go back to centre le. i wonder if the kids still remember me. wahahaha! especially when i'm at a different class now. oh well. the turnover of staff is pretty high aye? winson is going for some test next week. wish him luck tho. test as in body checkups. not written ones. wahaha~ speaking about test. hb said he got top 10 for his analogue test. i dont believe. lol!! top 10 leh. and i was like.. isst ur class onli got 10? wahahahaha! which is pretty impossible la huh.. i still remember him telling me he dismantle the toilet door and brought it down to the GM's office. wahahaha. and later bring it to the dustbin. joke lor!! wahahahaha. den he told me the cleaner still thank him. lol. like wad the hell.. wahahaha! so siannn. i think i better go off now. tata! September 14, 2006
DOH~~~i hafta rush assignments today. like, hell. 2 assignment. and i dun understand a shit about the positive child guidance one. wa lau eh......................................... i know i am supposed to do the part whereby wad ur group discussed during group meetings for the short skit. den i duno how to start so i asked sharon to send me the LA one cos i didnt do reflections for LA mah. wa lau. den i see the one she sent me. i am totally clueless leh. zzz!!!!!!! got bak my special needs module marks. like, finally. got 90/100. muahahahaha! so cool ayee! i wanna go face shop to buy this nail polish. its pretty cool. wahahhaa. but better not since i;m not going out today. maybe tmr after sch go buy it with sharon or something.. changed my blog skin here and there but i'm still getting used to the font size.. i tot it was abit larger than usual. and it doesnt realli fit in nice. and my tagboard!! it doesnt self refresh after you tag. den if u keep clicking the ok thing den it wun show anithing. refresh also no use. den u jus hafta spam and spam den after hours, u see ALL ur post there. zzz!!! okays. i think i've better gotta go bak to do my assignment. dun wanna screw it. i'm sorry and i dont know what was that sms suppose to mean. but i jus wanna thank you for believing in me. i'm happy that you found your happiness and please cherish her. do not harbour thoughts of forgetting her. forget me will do. afterall, i am just a passerby. my come back doesnt mean you hafta severe ties with her. perhaps, i am the one who reminds you how strong your love for her actually is. keep your love for her going. it might be days, months and even years and decades before you actually part. but good friends are meant to stay. loves!! >:) gxx talked to mi jus now and he asked mi to find myself. hmm. very interesting indeed. how long do i need to find myself? am i who i wanna be or am i who u wan me to be? it might takes years for me to realise what i actually want and who i actually am. but i know.. i'll always be me. September 13, 2006
oh yes. i stumbled unto a blog earlier just now and guess what? this author published this list of what not to type on blog. she said something like er.. write in ur blog wad time u woke up wad u did wad u ate how mani CM of toothpaste u squeezed this morn. how u had sex with ur bf how long is his penis.ok. first, she's also updating ppl wad she did. contradicting? yes, contradicting. like hello!?!?! this is hilarious. how u had sex with ur bf? like hello! i think if anione was sane to type tat, it MIGHT not be let out to other netizens unless they somehow stumbled unto the blog. like, hell! this is getting like kinda too much. hb had his er.. analogue principal and application exam yday. LOL! he's gonna repeat module. wahahaha. i am not mean or wad la.. lol. but he said wad he studied didnt come out. which i think is pretty normal la huh.. den he was saying how popular he was amongst girls. lol. of 2 races. lol. kev's frd heard it den he also kinda contribute some stuffs. and the way they destroy public bus's stuff and all.. LOL!! so lame. i didnt know they are so free to do tat. LOL! and er.. i duno wad to type already.. am gonna change blog skin again. soon. heh. but need navigations type. but tat skin is pretty colourful and its image kinda moves. so, yea. changing it later. To: calvin maybe u might wanna know that i think you are making matter worse. i wasnt even angry with yanzheng to start with. and yes. u have ur way and i have my way. u see things from ur view and i see things from my view. but u r not even in the situation now. wad makes u think u think better than the person who is in the situation. how will u feel when its almost EVERYTIME ppl dun listen to ur plannings? change venue change time and change plans. very nice feeling? oh yes. everytime, or rather, most of the time we went along with ur suitings. so we r jus followers. u think it feels good? think again. if u have seen life more. think again as well. we r both not willing to give way? oh well. very nice, think again. if he thinks he doesnt like it, its onli left with both of us. and if he dislikes it, he can dun go. and if i dislike it, i can dun go as well. why must i go along with his suitings when i was the one who initiate the outing? i am not being very calculative over who initiates what first. i think the least is tat we could respect each other. if he doesnt like it, its too bad for me. and if i dont like it, its too bad for him. i am telling u umpteen times, i am not gonna watch the host. so, please stop telling mi to watch it. i am having my own rights here. if u think its not good, of cos u wun go. if i think its not good, i wun go as well. what makes you think that i will change my mind jus bcos of a few words u said? sometimes, before u do things, u gotta think if u ever did it before. i am not saying that i ALWAYS think if i did something like tat before i act upon it. as far as i can remember, so far, its onli criticism i received. on a lighter mode? oh yes. of cos. are u gonna take it on a lighter mode if u hear it from the same person everytime? how much of life have u seen? its not that i've seen life as much as u did. but at least, i think u realli realli gotta respect ppl's beliefs. and yea? u think u r very great in organising? very well. u shall organise everything every now and then. do u think i'd let u organise when most of the time u were quarreling with ppl? maybe the person u encounter isnt that easy to deal with. whatever it is. if u r so good, go ahead i wun stop u. and i am NOT even angry to start with. i just feel that i've gotta slap u on ur fucking face back to reality hardly. for sure, i know u wun listen to wad i say cos even if u think its right, it may appear i am not right. lower down ur pride. i'm sorry if i typed something wrongly. September 12, 2006
oh well. mahjong was fun. haha. and watched 2 episode of crayon shin chan. haha. hmm. did win a few games here and there. heh. am satisfied. kind like "zha hu" for 2 times. cos it's like i duno how to play once the situation change. hahahaa!came home. den er.. cos i didnt log in frdstr for pretty long le mah. so frdstr sent me an email saying someone has sent me a smile and i dun even know who's the guy. so the message was "hi". and of cos, i hi bak la. den he replied wads yr hp no and email add? i'm like oh? den i replied why do you need it for. am now waiting for reply. i know it sounds lame but hey! who the hell is it men? no pics or anithing. den the frds that he has is like 5 girls. so, yea. kinda suspicious. i got a phone call just now. it's by some advertisement company tat is roping in people to promote this mineral drink which is globalising next yr and they need a team of young people to be the welfare team. i'm like huh? wad the hell. and they ask mi to go for and interview. which is like ?!?!?!?!. since when i changed line huh.. crazy people. and of cos i reject nicely la. wa lau. den i asked how they got my number den they say they are expanding and yada yada and that they got my number from their human resource department. this is oh so interesting. what crap men.. it feels good to have no lesson. WEEHA! i think i'm going off. wahaha. i'm kinda... bored... oh yea. yday DOT didnt come into our class. we had a change in lecturer. thank god. den while on the way to sch sharon and i had a great laugh again. as usual. wahahahah today no class but ao going for dry swimming. hahaha! but onli 3 of us. duno how will it be like. hahaha! okays. i better go open my store and go shower already. BYE!! September 11, 2006
oh well~ what's installed today? i duno. dun wanna knowtoday marks the start of yet another module. math. how horrible is it? to dislike maths and teach children maths. why even bother teaching them at such a young age? sighs. education system is getting the shit out of everybody. it's not sparing anybody. not even the kids. what are those people thinking? just WHAT are they thinking? why am i so affected? cos Dot is teaching this module. she is the HEAD of ICEC. which scared the shit outta me. she is my field supervisor for my pract 1. and she's nto scary as yet. but i duno how is she this time round. cos she's the HEAD, danting and i hafta actually restrict ourselves from nonsense we do in class. good thing is that i onli see her for 5 lessons. other than that, BAH! danting is gonna ask about pract 2 later. which leaves me twirling around like earthworms. why? cos i haf no centre for my pract 2. which is like total shit. and if i dun do it now, i'm gg for extraction of wisdom tooth very soon. in 2 weeks time. and i cant teach. cos pract 2 involves some teaching. maybe i should let them dump me at any centre and let me do my pract 2 and get over and done with. mahjong tomorrow. i can wait. but am anxiously waiting. i predict that i aint gonna win tmr. cos i know how to play but duno how to win. how dump is it. tell me about it. i published a post to someone, say abt 1-2 months back. and i'm feeling like shit. what the hell was i talking about? BAH! what the hell was i getting across to him. BAH! i feel like total shit now. really. i was the one controlling. but now, i'm being controlled. just what the hell has gotten over me? i dont know. and i dont even wanna know. i jus feel that today is not the day. so, ciao. September 10, 2006
heh. i am listening to One Way Ticket by Eruption. i think it's a pretty old song. speaking about old song.. i heard bai re meng by ShuBiDuWa the other day and i couldnt find it anywhere over the net. i mean, i found lyrics but not the song itself. so i asked pang. AGAIN. lol. he is like my yahoo like that. everything also ask him. food and music. ha! he steady lor. still can tell me the group's BG. who set it up. how many years back. he told me 8 years back. i'm like oh? and i told him i like oldies which makes me feel like i'm from the past. ha! which i think is so true.today has been the most boring-est day. yes. i dont doubt it. i am gonna sleep at 12+am today. for the first time. so early. and i mean, really EARLY. mahjong on Tuesday. isnt the world a beautiful place to be in? ha~ quite long nvr see stef also. heh!!! hope can haf lunch together. shinn msn me just now. telling me she loves me. haha! she's suchs sweetie! haha. i love u too sista!! lovelove! <3 we'll go out after candice's O's yeaa? muacks! due to the IMF meeting, when i go to school, i can only enter through 1 door to my school. which is the one near the security post. sickening. cut my hair. my head is much lighter. very very much lighter. the barber was like asking mi if i take care of my hair. den i was like no. den she was like aiyoo!! ur hair so long. nvr take care. later spoil heart pain one leh. i'm like oh? lol. so nonchalant. but, u know.. i dun realli care about it now. she say tis being exposed to too much a chemical. which is true. she say 2mths before i go rebonding mus haf treatment weekly if not rebond come out will become dry. which i think so too. okays. for now, it's pretty little hair. so, its ok. not tat abd yet. he went down but the other party didnt come. i think it's good news. ha! but, nonetheless, better dun hope too much. his ex gf ask for patch. kev's ex gf also ask for patch. jus wad is happening to the female kind. sighs. but i know kev wun go bak luh. i mean,l if i was him i wouldnt too. the things she said can simply put anybody to jump down. grr~ slept at my grandma house almost the whole day today. and i'm loving it. LOL! okays. i think nothing much. i better get going now. September 09, 2006
oh well. duno wanna go TPY or not.. i think not ba.. sian. duno how to tell sharon.. cos i might be at my grand's hse a lil longer.. maybe tell them on Mon or Tues go there have dinner or something. very fast, danting and i are both gonna finish our course very soon. gonna miss the ppl there. now Joan is switching class so he can spend miore time with his son. and when she comes bak, ting and i are gone. sighs.. gonna miss them. fret not. got 1 ++ mth more. enjoy to the max.
sighs. smth happened. might go down and peek abit.. duno for wad also. nothing better to do. tmr no choice but to watch movie at GV yishun.. gg grand's place.. den to TPY den to yishun.. sighs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hmm.. later duno wether to go take a look or not. duno wad's gonna happen also. kev told mi not to stop him or help. i think its true.. i think aint gonna bother la huh. but its like... zzz! how can i not bother??? kev also told mi tat since he's confident in going down den i should jus let him go lo. wad he said is true la.. and ask me if he has connections outside. have is have la. but u duno the ppl over here de mah.. aiyoo. zzz! so complicated. kev say he cant help much cos he's retiring and tat he has woes with the ppl there and here. he told me to update him about wad has happened.. later sms hb den ask him. sian...... but wad i can say is this time round i dun think he wanna go down. but no choice. SIANNNNN. oh well. later cutting hair. rebond has gotta KIV for very long.. :( sadddd. yday yati's supervisor ask for my number again.. after listening to yati about how bad the centre was, i am pretty terrified also. should u go? zzz! dun go den no money leh. and no place to do my practicum. maybe i'll jus go and hiong see how. if pass, den stay til end of the yr or smth. tat is if can la. and i think the thing later wun happen. but still kinda worried. nvm. i trust myself. fang bu kai ye kan bu jian wei lai. nan dao zhe zhong bu wan mei cai shi ai qing zhen shi de yang zhi... September 08, 2006
all's well today. presentation.. boo boo quite abit.. cos not enuff points. but luckily danting help me. haha! if not sure die. she also got arrowed. but good thing is tat she can fend herself. cos i also duno how to answer her quest cos it's personal de mah. heh! thank her so so so much. first time kena arrow by lecturer for modules.after tat had partyyyyyy. den went home.. danting staying over at sharon's has today. den she took the north side train. she like mountain tortoise leh. buay tahan!!!! tat bedok kia. ha!! stay there too long. come out become mountain tortoise. haha. keep on saying tat didnt know north side got this. den keep on complaining about north side things. and comparing with east side. ha! so funny lor. den we were laughing and laughing so loudly. den ppl were actually looking at us. ha! okays. finally can slack alr. tmr after ting and sharon's stuff, might be meeting them to go over to fareast for lunch. imagine go all the way there for lunch. zzz!!! gg to grandma's place tmr as well. so, yea. see ya!!!!! i shall update from wednesday's presentation ba! went to grandma's hse to change her 3G sim card. so mah fan. dun even know how to remove the batt and sim card from the motorola phone. lol. the good thing is that my grandma knows. heh. den the M1 guy called the verify and everything. tada! done. looked after my baby cousin a lil while. she's so cute! and she doesnt drink milk. duno wad's wrong also.. after that, went to meet sharon and head to sch. as usual, the fu lu shou took up the classroom and we had to use other classrooms. made our plasma tv and everybody changed into school uniform. how interesting rite!! haha. pris was the cutest. haha! like japanese ah lian. hahahahaha! here are some pics.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() after that we had the results. my grp got like excellent and very good for certain areas. and wong leelan our lecturer said that she cant stand seeing me so quiet. hahaha. which i cant stand too. WAHAHAHA!! alice say i can go mediacorp cos there's this part where i, as a withdrawn child, will stand and confess my feelings. den u know those sad feelings must all come in.. and i was not bad. alice say i can go mediacorp. LOL! this is all i can rmb from her comments. lol! of cos my grp members had very good comments as well. like sharon was clear in depicting the story, leelian's gucci bag and all. hahaha! and Joan's strategies used. but the negative thing on us is that we changed setting. so tats a negative thing. nvm la! got good remarks can le!! :D afterwhich we went to partyworld. til about 10+ den went home. den thursday is quite boring actually. cos it's lecture. den er. today is like friday!! friday~~~~ sandra's last module with us before she goes to Melbourne. so cool rite!!! i mean cool tat can go there. having party with her today after the next presentation. okays. i better go compile the work and edit somemore things. bye! September 07, 2006
this is the presentationthis is the result as well as comment. haha! 1.Full Name: Angela Khoo Swee Wen 2.Name backwards: neW eewS oohK alegnA 3.Meaning of name: erm. no idea? 4. Nickname: no idea. LOL 5. Screen Name: Angela 6. D.O.B: 18th July 1989 7. Place of Birth: KK hospital 8. Nationality: Singaporean. 9. Current Location: S'pore. 10. Star Sign: Cancer 11. Religion: Roman Catholic 12. Height: 165 :( 13. Weight: BAH 14. Shoe Size: 8-9? 15. Hair Color: red fringe brown hair 16. Eye Color: black brown? i duno. looks like black but very very dark brown 17. Who do you look like: myself 18. Innie or Outtie: innie 19. Lefty or Righty: righty 20. Gay, Straight, Bi or Others: Straight. 21. Best Friends: ha.. hmm? best friends? charlyn!!! :) 22. Best friends you trust most: charlyn of course 23. Favourite Pals: erm. my supper kakis, FTA 3 mates and charlyn n jude, sandy and mel~ 24. Best Friend of opposite sex: calvin 25. Best Buddies: calvin and charlyn 26. Boyfriend or Girlfriend: nopeee! 27. Crush: erm. i think so? 28. Parents: DUH! 29. Worst Enemy: erm. cant think of any. now. HA! 30. Favourite online guy: pang!! 31. Favourite online girl: eh? gotta be sandy 32. Craziest friend: my FTA 1 mates. ting and sharon. and also charlyn. ha! 33. Advice Friend: sandy. sometimes cal. sometimes pang 34. Loudest Friend: say.. i have many loud friends. ha! 35. Person you cry with: you mean, thing? gotta be my bed. 36. Any sisters: 2 37. Any brothers: 0 38. Any pets: nope 39. Any disease: No. 40. Pager: of course not 41. Personal phone line: 93****** 42. Phone: N3250 lor. fucked up. 43. Lave Lamp: nope 44. Pool or hot tub: Pool 45. A car: nope 46. Your personality: erm. loud. lame. weird mood. somemore? 47. Driving: never 48. Room: white 49. Whats missing: none now. 50. School: ICEC 51. Bed: Single 52. Relationship with parents: soso 53. Believe in yourself: depends 54. Believe in love at first sight: depends 55. Good listener: yea 56. Get along well with parents: soso 57. Save e-mail convos: depends 58. Pray: yea 59. Believe in reincarnation: somehow, not 60. Make fun of people: of course 61. Like to talk on the phone: depends on person and topic 62. Want to get married: YES! 63. Like to drive:hell no. my driving in arcade sucks real bad. much more real life 64. Motion Sickness: not that i know of 65. Eat stem of broccoli: yes 66. Eat chicken with fork: use hand la! 67. Dream in colours: huh? 68. Type with your fingers on home role: what? 69. Sleep with stuff animals: Not now. 70. Next to you: side table 71. On the walls of your room: switches 72. On your mousepad: no mousepad 73. Dream car: family car 74. Dream date:hell, erm. taller than me. sense of humour. not boring 75. Dream honeymoon spot: somewhere with 4 season 76. Dream husband or wife: taller than me, matured, sense of humour, not boring, romantic, understanding, yada yada. LOL! suit me can le la! and engineer please. lol. =X 77. Bedtime: when i'm tired 78. Under your bed: dust. 79. Single most important question: what? 80. Bad time of the day: erm. no idea 81. Your worst fear: SNAKES!! fuck. 82. The weather: erm. windy 83. Time: 0134h 84. Date: 07.09.06 85. Best trick did on someone: forgot. too many. ha! 86. Theme song: too many 87. Hardest thing about growing up: relationship 88. Funniest experience: too much! 89. Scariest experience: forgot 90. Silliest thing you have ever said: ha. i have no idea. 91. Most desperate and funniest thing i have done to get the opposite sex: no idea as well. 92. Scariest thing while you are with your friends: no idea. 93. Worst feeling: lonely 94. Best feeling in the world: happy~ 6 people to do this quiz: NIL September 06, 2006
yes. i am damn tired. chat with that guy til like erm.. 1am or smth. cant remember. and i woke up at 10. actually i am awake alr. some sms-es. on and off wake up and reply. how stupid.got presentation later. i duno how am i gonna die. ha. i duno if it will be THAT bad. but it might be VERY bad afterall. i duno how to be like a withdrawn child can. hai. why draw lots tio that one?? tian yi. ha! ok la. i think i'll jus try my best den. i hope i can skip the KTV thingy today. cos i am like so damn very tired. but most prolly not. cos thurs hafta compile yet another module's presentation. and fri is the presentation and it's friday. so, peak hour. yea. danting was asking us to go to the one at kallang cos it's cheaper. but hell, when sharon and i reach woodlands, wouldn't it be oh-so-very-late? oh well~ jus pull off the debts la huh.. i mean, bill i am still yawning men. darn it. hai. now i am worrying over wad to wear. BAH!!!! so tired.. so so so so so tired.. gxx was asking mi about his bb stuffs. haha. so lame. so, yea. he said his baby is screaming alr. so fast 7mths. the other time when i asked him still 5mths.. yeapss. he asked about walkers too. walkers are pretty bad for the bone structure and it's said to help your baby walk. which infact, it doesnt. it's just for marketing sake that they said that. and you may put you baby in the play pen, on the matress, walker perhaps once in a while ok. but not too long. so, yesss. buy pram also dont buy walker. ha! i shall go practise my lines now. although it's just a few lines, but it's so important. hai!! my mummy doesnt understand me. everyday, there is something for me to do. i am so tired. mummy is always at work and daddy is always not around. no one is there to play with me. no one is there to talk to me. WHY!!!! ok. that very much sums up my line. bye! September 05, 2006
met sharon on the train den went to school haha!den saw pris and danting on the train. walk to sch tog. den while at the tunnel of tanjong pagar, danting and i laughed and talk so loudly. haha! we r so mean la please. haha! exchanging views about our best friend. hahahaha!! ting and sharon gg for the superstar thingy. i wanna go wif them luh. but i'm gonna be like alone. so i duno lor. see how see how~ if i get ppl to go wif mi den i might be going also. if nto i'll prolly meet them over there after their auditions. tmr gg to partyworld. am so gonna stink again. will try my best not to bring my dearest jacket there if not it will stink like fuck. i think ALL partyworld smells the same. fucking smelly. with the cigg smell. the one at the prince crown one also the same. DAMN SMELLY! they're gg to practise their songs. so, yea. hmm.. after tat stayed in class to get the staging right. tmr gonna present our short skit. will try to video it if i can la huh.. lol! sure gonna die. i duno how to act tat kinda sad scene lor. i mean, if si bei on tat type i sure can. but sad kind? sure die. lol! danting also acting as the sad kind. lol. withdrawn kiddy. u know? lol. i think she can do well luh. but we both are tat type siao on kind. so, yea. if tmr is hip de we surely score A's. but sad de??????? remains unknown. okays. i better go now. gonna stay up late to talk to the guy. WAHAHA! i'm suchha fool. tmr morn gonna go my grandma's hse to change the 3G card thingy. ok den. byeee! WAHAHAHA! sneak preview of something nice.. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ![]() oh. i jus remembered.. he failed art too!! WAHAHAHAHA! same as mi. LOL! i think.. he drew pokemon or smth. wahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok la. i mean i am not insulting. its kinda adorable. haha. but... u know.. ha~ okie dokie. i better go to the dentist now. last visit for my root canal treatment. and oh.. the crocodile hunter died.. a sad thing. it's like pretty dramatic and his death makes me feel like they r joking. cos it's too sudden. but in aniways, RIP. chiong my assignment from 12am - 4am yday. lol. hiong rite? na bei. today go bak.. den kenneth told us tat can call the sch and tell them that we dont have class and ask if they can extend one more day. if nto we go all the way there jus to hand in assignment. screw them. next time know le. den will call le.. today had rehearsal again. was kinda good. haha! all up to wednesday le. see how we perform.. heard a song over the radio in the afternoon.. but i duno the title and everything. sent the song to pang and ask him help mi. den he also cant find. i also cant find. now hafta wait for winson to online den see if he can help mi alr. sad case.. so so so so so tired. i duno wads wrong with mi this few days. i kinda get agitated easily. and it's like... i jus snap and any other people who pisses me off somehow. last time i'd jus keep quiet. but now, i'll kinda snap bak. but of cos i wun snap at people i dun think it's worth snaping bak at. so, yea. haven watch those movies yet. am so gonna watch it tmr.. received an email.. oh well~~~~~~~ heh. from the guy. sometimes the difference in time realli makes it inconvenient... oh well...................................... kev broke up? uh huh.. duno la~ even though kept saying no feelings but at the end of everything, things changed. but i think he is still lying towards the brighter side. but of cos it's better~ haha! heard a few jokes today.. why is superman's shirt always so tight? cos his shirt is S size so, why is batman's shirt tight as well? cos they went shopping together. lol. i know it sounds stupid. haha! if i have $10 and u haf $10, wad MRT station are we at? common-wealth if 10 guy strip infront of u, which MRT station are you at? tampines (ten penis) ha. this is also lame. lol oh well. i gtg slp now. tmr hafta go to the dentist yet again. last time for my root canal treatment. sighs. my teeth is biting unto my cheek gums. very pain. eat also cant eat properly. horrible rite? sighs!! OH!!! THE BLACK HAIRS ARE GROWING OUTTA MY SKULL!!!! SO UGLY. darn.. i think i gonna redye it like next yr or end of the yr. plus rebond. dye + rebond. sure ex like fuck. but who cares? lol! but prolly.. gonna KIV it a lil longer~~ :) September 04, 2006
oh well~~haha. danting and i are PIs. haha. we r so mean please.. but i cant help it. *roger roger, over and out* hahahaha! saw some pics. haha~ den remind mi of last time.. oh well. wad's gone is gone.. jackson was talking to mi on MSN jus now. he's gonna work full time. bartender. kinda crazy. go sch den go work. den sleep for 2hrs den he going to sch again. he say it's his interest. but, not tired de meh.. sighs~ can onli wish him luck la huh.. altho ITE is not stressful, but i think it's still school all the same.. talking to this guy now also. his nick is EVER NEGATIVE!! and it's always cos of a girl. normally dun talk much to him. but today yada yada so mani things. he's gonna book in this Fri.ha~ sad life. lol. combat engineer. not bad i suppose? i duno. i've no idea tho.. and his nick? partly cos of a girl. and the way he describe it to me is like me last time. oh well~~~~~~~~ people dont know how to cherish it until it's gone huh? i agree with this very much. quarrel quarrel quarrel. quarrel AGAIN!! duno how mani times this few weeks. like nvr ending. keep quiet also wrong. talk also wrong. nothing to say le still wanna force something out to say so he can out talk me. like wad the hell! i mean, how am i suppose to know u quarreled wif ur frd cos of mi? and den jus throw tantrums like tat. like, hello! didnt wanna talk cos i know smth is wrong. so i jus kept quiet and went off. like tat also wrong.. tell mi wad's wrong with guys this days. i mean, i'm also wrong in a sense. tried to forget it but kept on talking about it. den fine lo. angry angry lor. like wad am i suppose to do? sorry also dun help. den forget it lor. somehow we're jus gonna shrug it off our shoulders and jus carry on. monkey calls him bustard. like am i suppose to fend him? sure i did.. but here i am fending him there he is getting exposed. so? haven even do my assignment. can u imagine how slack!!!! grrr~ i'd rather chat on msn than do my work. my work is like making up stories. RAH! September 03, 2006
wee~ so long nvr update already. shall start from Thursday. heh.went bak to secondary school. it was fun fun fun! haha. ok. maybe not so fun. the fun part is that u actually step back into secondary school. the place where u dread SO MUCH that you wanna step outta it soon. complaining endlessly about the workloads, teachers, donations, complains. the fun time we had fooling our teachers, gossiping, indulging in some quarrels and mani mani more! hahahaha! two of the very fine incident i remembered clearly was the english period where mr.Ho is still our teacher. haha! he always let us do compo, comphre, summary. onli this 3. so boring. and everytime use OHP. haha! den we will either "lend" other classes. haha1 den when asked to bring it from other class, i think Joel will take own sweet time. haha!! the other time was that there is 2 OHP in our class. one spoilt and one in working condition. so, we "lend" it to other class. leaving the spoilt one behind. den when he on it, it will be spoilt. hahaha! den the 2 clowns will try to fix it. haha! very funny. den we're like giggling down there. hahah! but hafta thank the clowns if not, we will have a few additional summarys! hahaha! yea. so that's the day where i was pissed off. stupid MISER! showed people the chat log. such a petty idiot. i wouldnt have known he showed it to people until yongkai told me. heh! and and and. supposed to buy gift for Mrs.Yap. den that miser did not!! hai. wasted. onli bought for my much loved mr.Toh and mrs. Rajakumar. haha. i am very good de. i onli buy for those who have realli taught me. i mean, taught me in the sense that i like the teacher and the subject. unlike my chem teacher. yadayada. mani ppl will say he is good. oh well.. try sitting at the backrow and failing ur chem. tell me what u get. i dun curry favour (not that those people who pass chem and sit infront does) teachers but i jus feel that that teacher is that kind like you hafta have good connections with him den can do things de. but wadever it is, i am sure quite a number of people dislike him as well. wadever it is, i passed my science. i still hafta thank him. the concert was ok.. i mean, i dont expect much cos it's a sec sch concert. i'd think it's ok but the sound system sucks terribly for the ELDDS short skit. i mean, we cant hear a single thing they said and wad we did was indulge in our own little talk and once in awhile in between our small talk while the skit is on, ask each other wad the fuck are they doing. and!!!!!!!!!!! my much loved Mr.Toh performed!! i mean, he did perform last yr and last yr's performance was much much better. and i think the support he got was mainly from the grad batch of people. those young onges on the floor are like u know.. more like taking it for granted to me. and we, at the back, was clapping while he sang and kind boo when he stopped. haha. i mean the boo thing is not to discourage him but to disturb him. haha!! but, when he finished performing, he started his speech. a speech that every sec 4 or sec 5 dreads. the do-you-know-where-you-wanna-go speech. haha! and his claps from us is very loud ok.. aint sure if he heard it but it was LOUD! at least, louder than any other items that were being put up. :) here's my much loved teacher performing.. ![]() after the concert, went to look for my another much loved teacher. mrs.Rajakumar. she is my FT and my EL teacher last yr. ha! she's a very nice lady. she hugged me when she saw me. *aww...* ahha! i miss her loads!! asked her about her promotion to HOD. she said it's tough. i mean, of cos. the whole subject stress is on you. gave her the gift and left.. den was kinda hectic. but left with charlyn for lunch. haha. so long nvr had a hearty talk with her already. ahha! and she still owe me bday treat. =x not tat i am very gei gao. but, u know.. haha! she's my childhood friend. haha! after lunching with charlyn and her grp of friends, ent to meet sharon to buy gift to exchange during class.. was for Danting. cos she dont have time to buy gift and the notice was very much last minute. so, yea. den went for class. had party. hahahaha! and Danting dance an umbrella dance for us. haha!! actually wanna dance for afew of us. den we make her go infront and dance. hahaha! could onli snap a pic which cant see her face. but still can see part of it la. mai hiam si eh sai. haha! ![]() heh. so, there u go. haha! heng no one sabo me. if not i'd hafta dance with her also. hahaha! that's her with her hello kitty umbrella. hahaha! noticed almost everyone wearing long sleeves and having the shawl? this shows how cold it is in the class. and it's small. lol! den on friday, met my sis to alexandra hospital. we both drama lor!! wanna search for clinic E1 den we walk walk walk we saw this clinic. den my sis told me that they re-use SGH's previous uniform. den i was like realli meh? cos she is a nurse of cos she knows more mah;. den i peeped into a clinic. i was like yea.. den we walk walk walk. saw clinic E2 and E3. den i was like wth. where is it. den we went into E3 and ask the nurse inside where is E1. den she say turn left on the way out and it's near the lift. so, we walked to where the lift was. still no sight. den we ask a nurse who's approaching us. den she turn around and point. WTH!! it's the clinic i peeped in to look at their uniform. zzz! afterwhich, went for X-ray and the dentist check my teeth. haiz. going for Local anaesthetic(LA).. the dentist didnt wan mi to go under general anaesthetic (GA) cos it's dangerous for me. LA is that kind like inject your mouth and onli your mouth numb. den GA is put u to sleep for the whole operation. den she onli take out 2 at a time. den my sis ask y not all 4 since her's is like tat. den the dentist say need alot of injections and my body cant take it. yadayada. anithing lor.. Oct 3rd is my surgery date. no supper at that time please.. and er.. 1 or 2 weeks later need to go for another surgery. this time for the next 2 teeth. speaking of it hurts. LOL!! after that, went to queensway shopping centre to walk around. i think business there is good. onli 1/4 of the shops are opened at like 12pm. great right?? my mum's also at SGH for her check up. den i told her i will bring her to Marina Square to look at the crocs shoe there. den my sis and i cabbed down to city hall mrt station and met my mum and dad. den they have the eyebrow embroidery thingy.. den my sis did. my parents and i went to marina square first. den my sis came.. we went to TPY cos the fortunate restaurant is there mah.. den we slacked alot.. walked around.. took pics wif my eldest sis, mum and i.. ![]() there~ my eyes is like swollen like that. cos so tired. my mummy trying to act retarded. hahahaha! okays.. den after that, my second sis came and my bro in law came. went to the restaurant after collecting the cake.. sucks. the fortunate restaurant service sucks to the core. dun wanna elaborate. just dont go there. sucks to the core.. spent about $82 there.. and mummy cut her cake there.. :) ![]() mummy's cake ![]() so, yea. that sums up friday. saturday went to my grandma house to teach my cousin. den came home. at night went for supper.. den played UNO at my house til about 3.. den todayyyy.. went to church early in the morn. den went for brkfast. today, i cleared my cupboard, my study table and computer table. i even clean them. so neat now. at least i dun feel irritated looking at it. lol. now, i hafta go rush my assignment. due date tmr.. tmr gg to lilian's place to rehearse. lol. i sure screw it de. hai!!!! so scary.. : ( going off now. a very very long post. ha! September 01, 2006
![]() haha. i drew it myself. it's nice kays.. hahaha! i know it came abit late but still, HAPPY TEACHER's DAY!!!! especially to those who have taught me. :) To all the teachers (and me) out there, HAPPY TEACHERS DAY!!! i'm so damn tired.. stupid miser!!!! wa lau. i told yishan about the matter before going to school. but it seems that that miser is smarter!! show people chat log. RAH!!!! miser tan. LOL! aiyaa. dun blame him though.. having my appointment at alexandra in a few hrs time.. duno wad is gonna happen. sian. i scared pain.. sighss~ i mean, wisdom tooth.. extraction.. oh, bother. it's gonna be hell pain. and i thought i could rest tomorrow. but, i hafta rush my assignment. isnt it great? very great. ting, tian tian and pris is on their way to M'sia. hope they enjoy this super long weekend.. received an email from u know.. wahahaha! i jus feel like u know... haha! i know u don't know and i dont expect u to know. i jus feel foolish. LOL! today went bak to CHR. saw quite a number of tchers and my classmates! geraldine, peiwan, justin, joel, george were the uncommon ones.. uncommon as in like i dun see them pretty often. haha! 4/2 realli very on lor. still buy cake. and i think their class has the most number of pupils going back. they r realli, very steady pom pee pee. the concert was okay.. the CHR idol thingy.. i would say tat the girls sing way way way better than the guys on stage. and and and, my much loved mr.Toh sang on stage!!! haha. last yr he sang on stage too! this yr, he sang a different song and he kept forgetting how to sing it. haha! but i dun blame him tho. he is ncie okayss!!! i onli bought gift for mrs.Rajakumar and Mr.Toh. haha. suppose to have gift for mrs.Yap too. but the miser Tan didnt buy. sad thing. i mean, the 3 of them are very very good teachers.. mrs.Rajakumar gave me a hug!! and i know that she's stressed in that ground floor room.but i am sure she can make it.. :) after that went to haf lunch wif charlyn and her friends. i like her grp of frds cos you wont feel left out. hahaha! and they're a fun bunch to be with.. haha~ went to school.. exchange gifts and all. ahha! i got a mickey cup. haha! at least it's still a gift. my first year as a teacher celebrating teacher's day. hahahaha~ how great!! hmm. i do have pics for the concert.. but i lazy to upload to com. heh! shall wait til a few days later.. am gonna sleep soon.. 9.45am at alexandra hospital. how great!!! how great... and and and. i got myself a new pair of spects!!! weeha!!! i know i aint gonna wear it often and i am gonna chuck it away after awhile.. but still.......... hahahaha! spects spects here i comeee~~~~~~~~~(for now) heh! byee! |