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Layout: lyricaltragedyPattern: tillyness |
September 26, 2006
today is an everlasting tired day for me. oh well. why? try slacking for oh-so-many days and you'll know why. i apparently set the alarm at 9am. knowing me, i actually snooze it all the way and i actually off my alarm in the end. and hell! i woke up at 11am. i quickly did my time slot for my practicum 2, print it out, fill up my pract 2 folio and had it over and done with.showered earlier so that at the last minute, i won't have to rush. was on time to meet sharon on the train. while on the way to school, i was practically yawning. GOODNESS ME! went back to school to get the letter and to get back my practicum 1 folio. it was bad. very bad. VERY VERY BAD. i actually had a D+. can you imagine how bad it is? goodness gracious.. sharon and yati saw my results and they were equally shock. because they're under Dot as well. sighs! but i will have to admit this practicum 1 folio wasn't very well done. i didn't put as much effort compared to other assignments. this time, it'll be in the middle of many other modules. i hope i can pull through to make ends meet. heard that Philip is back to lecturing at ICEC and seems that there's no chance i'll get him. THANK GOD! but some says he's good and my group says he isnt. oh well. maybe they must get the C in their report to understand what we mean. but somehow, i'd have to agree that he's actually... not that bad. oh well! he's back and i'll see him. whatever it is. i won't be able to get him anymore. to hell with it. >: ) went for the lead in interview at my centre. have to take PG no matter what. i already accept fate. 3 weeks shall and will pass by very fast. hopefully, i put in as much effort this time round. don't want my effort to go wasted yet again. D+ was a very close shave. went to the pasar malam with sharon just now. the one next to causeway point. MUAHAHAHAHA! i finally bought my Strawberry Shortcake towel. WEE~~ and sharon and i shared this Handkerchief pack. weeha! so happy!! >: ) i got to know this guy on friendster and he claims he's dying soon. and he actually emails me for my contact. i mean, come on. do i look dumb enough to give it to you? perhaps i look dumb enough so he attack me. oh wells. now he's asking for cash. COLD HARD CASH. 300 bucks alright. it's crazy! of course i said no. i don't expect a nice reply in return. am waiting for a harsh reply. speaking about email. i email-ed PINC months ago and i have yet to receive any reply. and they said they will get back to me shortly. oh well. it's very short already. okays. was talking to FS yesterday. haha. i actually told him i like someone. hahahahaha! and he told me to go ahead. hahahaha. i sound so silly. it's been a long time since i told someone i like another person. oh well, i think that guy has someone he likes too! from what i read on his blog it seems so. let nature takes its course. maybe he reads my blog. maybe he doesnt. i just suddenly felt this feeling recently. i don't know why. actually i've had this feeling pretty long ago. ha.. but wasn't sure. don't want to be either. but now i know. to say or not to say? i have no idea. oh well. maybe in time to come, i will. whatever it is, i will just leave it. my handphone accessory came off. ha. i don't want to put it back. whenever my HP is lost in my bag with the setting of forest, the accessories gets stucked and when i pick up calls, i'd have to lower my head to the bag. how pathetic. i think i had better arrange them altogether again when i am free. i have the thought of covering my computer table top with a towel so that when it gets dusty, i'll just wash the towel. cos the dust is really accumulating and when i cleaned it the other day, it was SUPER dusty. told me sis about this idea just now. i'll have to ask my mum later. danting is kinda crazy. she spent like about $100 at PS. goodness! and she has not enough to pay. gosh. that crazy woman!!!!!!!! but in the end i didn't know who help her settle the bills. oh well, shall ask about it when i see her on Friday. no KTV until very long... okays. i think this entry is long enough. i am trying very hard to not type shortforms in the entry. if there's afew here and there, do pardon me! >: ) bye! I've liked you for very long...