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Layout: lyricaltragedyPattern: tillyness |
October 08, 2006
i feel kinda relaxed. hahahahaha!becasue i have to plan lesson for my dearest kids, i have thought of so so so many activities for them. i really hope they enjoy it. for the theme creepy crawlies, i have a theme board where i will have a big tulip and 1 big flower at each ends. with ants crawling below and bee flying back to the beehives. i will write up 1 rhyme for them as well. for my math corner, i have matching game where they will valcro the butterfly to the respective shadows. another one is couting where i will have 1, 2 and 3 number of butterfly together and they would have to valcro it to the respective number. the last activity would be memory game. for the lesson i'd be conducting, i'll read a story to them using pictures on ice cream stick. i'll also bring in a jar where an ant would be building it's own colony. also, i'll let them have craft work where they will use three fingers and dip it unto a piece of white paper with cookie in the middle. it will kinda show the ants crawling to the cookie jar. haha! i cant wait!! ^^ i'll definitely take photos of the boards i made and the activity i conducted. weeha! i'm going back to prepare my stuffs. see ya! ANT FARM
Take the children outside and find ants or an anthill. VEry gently scoop the anthill into the coffee can, making sure that you have also caught some ants. Cover the coffee can with the cheesecloth, secured with a rubber band. Back in the classroom, fill the glass jar with soil, and place the jar in a pan of water. Since ants cannot swim the water will serve as a moat to keep any stray ants from escaping into your room. Very carefully transfer the ants and the hill into the jar. You can leave the ants in the refrigerator for an hour, as the cold slows up the activity of the ants to make the transfer easier. Immediately cover the top of the jar with the cheesecloth and again secure with the rubber band. Provide water for the ants by placing a small piece of wet sponge or dampened cotton ball in the jar. Feed them with bits of food and a little syrup or honey drizzled over the soil. To start the conditions in an underground ant farm cover the jar with a dark cloth to keep out light. After a day or two, lift the cloth and observe what the ants have done, making tunnles and rooms. Explain the purpose of the different rooms; one is for hatching eggs, taking care of the babies, taking care of the queen, storing food and keeping warm in the winter. If you were lucky to get a queen ant then you will be able to observe the ants life cycle as the queen is the only one who lays the eggs. Simple Ant Farm Materials:Glass Jar, Black Paper, An old nylon stocking, Soil and Ants, A rubber band Fill a glass jar with loose soil, and add your ants. Use the rubber band to secure the stocking on the top of the jar, and cut off the excess, leaving a good amount left so you can easily take it off and put it on the jar again. Tape black paper around the outside of the jar so the ants will build tunnels on the sides of the jar. Don't forget to feed and water your new pets. After a couple of hours, take off the paper and see what is happening. Don't forget to put the paper back on the jar. |