Angela Khoo
coming 19 on july 18
emotionally attached
early childhood educator

new PC.
NDS lite.
break from work



Angela ChanAudreyCandice MeiElynnEmmeline Felicia KelineMelissaSandyStefanieYanqin laobuYishanZhuxinAlexAlvinDerekEldrid MonkeyJasonShabri.

Layout: lyricaltragedy
Pattern: tillyness
January 02, 2007
i am finally back after what seem very long.

in case you dont know, i am being FIRED. wahahaha. and i am pretty happy about it. wahahahaha! although she give stupid excuse, i dont really give a damn. except for one sentence she said to me. that particular sentence will not be erased from my head. i really think that she doesnt talk with sense. in any case, she is the past. since its the new year, i should be looking for the future. muahahaha!

i'll make this a photo post for what i did on christmas and also for the new year. hehe. enjoy!!

Christmas EVE

me and my eldest sis. i was pretty tired la. so, my eyes... haha.

my second sis and my auntie

my eldest sis and my bro in law

this is me again. doing nothing while they order food. haha

our bare table

now it's full! hahaha. sorry, HALF full.

Christmas @ Home

haha. my door on xmas. wahahaha


happened to be my grandpa's lunar bday. we celebrated for him. i bought the cake! me me me!! haha. its a very nice cake. [Random]

cake cutting. hehe

calvin, yongkai, yanzheng, derek came over as well. Kaimeng joined in later. so, this was our present before exchange. see the most right one. tat present was brought by Calvin. we were guessing what it was. and i said milo. cos the tin is like u know.. relaly feels like milo can. haha. but he deny. so...

tada!! there's the milo can. everyone pray to not get it. and suay suay or heng heng, i got it. haha! actually the first draw i didnt get de. den duno who took their own present back. so we had a re-draw. so, yessss. they left after we watched the 9pm show. haha. den mylo came and pick me up in his car and we went out. wohoho!

New year celebration
Stella organised a BBQ and we went. syabil, yk, yz, calvin, peishan, junjie, caoyang, ruiying and of course, stella, was there. yeaps! it was nice. haha. den at 10pm, the lights went out and we had uncooked food. so.........

haha. YK used fire starter as light. and it looks as tho my pit was on fire. hahaha

after that, we walked to CWP cos they were saying there's countdown over there. so, we walked. hehehehehe. den we reached there, we didnt wanna stay there so someone.. i think peishan ba. had a great idea. which was to go to CHR's front gate where the ulu road was. then there will always be couples fucking in the car. so we thought to buy sparklers and also poppers to go disturb. haha. but when we went there, there was only a taxi with a couple in it. our conclusion was they were somehow in the act but stopped cos they saw us. haha. so, we played the sparklers and poppers ourself. hahaha.

YK created a chain of sparkles together. its like a domino effect. failed twice but it was right the third time. hehe!!! but i cant load the video. i duno why. will try it again later.

that's all for now. enjoy the last day of your holidays!!!! :D