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Layout: lyricaltragedyPattern: tillyness |
May 08, 2007
sighs. it looks like i will never do without MC in a month. now... i have infected eyes. it's super bad. might post a photo later. it's super duper bad la okay.i was showering the kids when i felt something sticky in my eye. left one. so i took a piece of tissue and i wipe it. and when i saw what it was, it was pus. the yellowish thingy you get from infected wound. yea. and i panicked but didn't think much about it. slowly, it got more swollen, more red and more irritating. soon, it was super duper red. so i went to the docs near my workplace and the doc was having an operation. and so, i left my number and name for them to call me back. and so, back in school, they broke a last minute news that we're going to the park tomorrow. holy holy! so, everything was scheduled and all. i was to stay in school cos i wasn't feeling well. so, the docs called and i went to the docs. he said it was nothing but infection and had discharge. he's not even covering me for MC!!! like WTH right? GAH! after work, i called my sis. so my sis said it was the infection of the octovia or dunno what was it. she said normal case is 3days MC. so she was grumbling about that doctor. oh wells! i called her cos she works in Singapore eye centre you see. at least i can ask her. so, yea. am prepared to have MC tomorrow. to rest my eyes. my mother told me that i will have difficulty opening my eyes after my sleep. which i think so too... i felt that i neglect my kids a whole tat lot! there's this girl whom i quite like.. and she began to like go away from me. i felt sad la. and when i tried to carry her, she cried. and i know it's so cos i neglected her. and it's just her way of showing me... don't ask me how i know but just that i know la okay... nvm... 3 more days before i can have 1 class to my very own. YES YES YES! i am so stressed today. okay. maybe not stressed. but easily agitated. but i still love my kids.. really.. |