Angela Khoo
coming 19 on july 18
emotionally attached
early childhood educator

new PC.
NDS lite.
break from work



Angela ChanAudreyCandice MeiElynnEmmeline Felicia KelineMelissaSandyStefanieYanqin laobuYishanZhuxinAlexAlvinDerekEldrid MonkeyJasonShabri.

Layout: lyricaltragedy
Pattern: tillyness
December 17, 2005
yep.. i am bak.. tat day at the funeral was ok... i saw alot of my relatives whom i have not seen before and whom i have not seen for AGES. and i really mean it when i say AGES. i duno... but i jus feel tat u know... when my gr8t grandma was alive.. not mani ppl came over to see her frequently.. and when she is lying in her coffin... they came. wad is the meaning of this? where is the filial peity they taught us back then? they arent setting a good example for the younger generations. tat's for sure.

when i reach tat place. i saw all my grand aunties. my uncles. bla bla. didnt realli call them. cos i forgot wad to call them alr! HAHA! ok. there's jus too mani ppl for mi to call. went there and i folded those paper.. and offer incense to my gr8t grandma. burn some money and duno wad paper for her.. and i looked at her in her coffin. she was veri pretty after her make up and new clothings.. and she has a pearl in her mouth. yeps. i duno wad is tat for.. i asked dear.. but he dun seem to know either.. am going up later with dear.. perhaps my sis also. den mit my mum there.. yea. my mum said tat there were mani ppl yesterday.. such a pity i didnt go.. cos my mum didnt tell mi she was going... ah! bother...

am doing xmas shopping later.. for candice.. charlyn.. jude.. and dear.. duno wad to get for jude and dear.. candice and charlyn i know alr. heh heh heh!! yeps! meeting my sis later to buy prezzies. cos she gotta get one for her hubs also.

abigail is coming bak on the 20th. hehe!! so happy to see her again. duno if she changed or not.. not much i guess. haha! my main worry is........................ would we still be speaking chinese when she is back? hmm....... -wonders

hmm. i am so bored.. waiting for my MP3 to load into my phone so i can play sims 2. weehee!! i jus realised a fact for maple.. and it's tat i hafta drag those skills of my archer to the keyboard to use the specific skills. how stupid can i get. and i was pretty happy about it also. wahahah!

ok. my phone is almost done. byeee