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Layout: lyricaltragedyPattern: tillyness |
July 07, 2006
weetsss! told u all the "meeting" cancelled le rite??wahaha! this will be the last few post as far as i am concerned, about jaslyn. oh well, TAN KAI KIM (or his sister), if u r readin this, DONT cry for ur dearest jaslyn la. or rather, dun feel sad for her. haha! oh. i forgot! u might both be a couple alr. wish u bliss ah. happy playing around. buy 1 get 2 free. dun blame mi for being nasty. u both made mi do this. being a PI for her. haha! how much she pay u? fish duck price ah? hahahahahhaahahaha! pls la. wake both of ur 20+ yrs old senses. u both might as well patch back together. wahahaha! both of u haf mani problems. share ur problems. ur future will be brighter. *oops! i suddenly forgot abt karma.i am about to comment from wad she wrote in her blog. with hold ur anger. release them after u read. do reflect half way too. Jus heard frm Kai Kim tat those little bitches or 38 watever they like 2 b name found out my new URL.. Well simple note 2 them den can close my case on them.. Let them b like those little rats ranting at their blog or watever.. They shld b reading tis blog if they haf my new URL muahahaha! pls la. can u stop kaikim here and there or not. it is making my hair stand as long as it can get. bahahahaha! u both might as well patch back la. since patch and brk is both of ur forte. and sorry, please stop calling us names unless we r certified one. if i am not wrong, u were the one who started calling us names. and sorry, again, bitches and 38 are not fit for us. perhaps u wanna reflect on ur life before u use the names ppl call u, on us? u mean u close case on us?? since when u open case on us? hahaha! u got money for ur lawyer or not? y not use it to feed the many mouths u haf to? yea. we enjoy ranting. oh wow. tat mus be quite a big word for u to use, huh? hahaha! new url?? wahahha! we knew it even b4 u tagged us la, please. ur dearest kaikim is known for SLOW information. i think u know tat, right? since u know him so well. inside out. upside down.
how come "u all" suddenly become "u"? i bet u dun understand wad u r trying to type. as far as i am concerned, and i told u in the above comments, dun call us names unless we r certified. even kids haf this benefit. wad about adults? i dun think sandy so humji la. change her things. perhaps u r the one who changed ur things ba.
haha. we r not surprised. we expected this. cos we haf no confidence tat u'd be so daring la. put tagboard and hp number.. ur blogspot where got the same?? change le wad.. "changed". ha! how dumb. oh well. may i know wad is big-canon?? or r u trying to say cannon instead? i think the onli thing u said sandy big cannon is the put time put place thing rite?? already put le. ha! pls la. open ur small eyes wide and see. i think u r sucha cannon. can compare to ur friend, D. and may i ask, wad r u tring to derive from the sentence: "Not ar happy frm jus nw until nw?? " i seriously dont understand a single shit? i help u interpret. r u trying to say "not happy from just now until now?" is tat wad u r trying to say? i dont suppose so. i think it is. haha. it is a simple logic. but ur english has made it difficult. but i still understand cos i stooped to ur lvl to understand things from ur view. (: of cos i rant at my blog. i dun rant on my shit. i dun even look at my shit! puh-leese. talk wif logic. of cos u dun dare to put tagboard for fear we might ruin ur oh-so-good reputation. ha! ur frd's enemy tagged u, u dun remove and ask for more fun. we give it to u. u ask for time and place, we give it to u. yet u ran away hiding at home watching some shows? BAH! quiters loose cos loosers dont quit.
wahahahha! we alr put le la. u dun dare come. stil say sandy big cannon? wahahahaha! puh-leese. get ur facts right yea? stop typing my name down as tho i am ur good frd. and i must be grateful cos for once, or maybe a minimal time, u got my name's spelling right! *congratulations & celebrations!* wahaha! i say u? i told u, i am here to REMIND u. not ASK u wad to do. pls la. use ur senses. i think it isnt spoilt. oh wow! u listened to me? cos of wad? cos u dun wanna meet my frds so i am now ur reason of not turning up. indirectly surrendering urself. putting the blame on me. please la. 21 yrs old le. know how to think can. dun wanna come, use some other reasons la. come look for mi? told ya they r my frds. of cos they know more about mi than u do. trying to make mi fall into the bad light for ur wrong doings? our tcher told us from young tat, we must face our mistakes. not shun away from them. yi ren zhuo shi yi ren dang. not yi ren zhuo shi bie ren dang. pls. So i will close my case wif all these... Watever name u all choose 2 b call.. I welcum u 2 read my post.. Give ur comments not my here but at ur there.. 4 all i care.. Soooo, sooo long! haha. of cos for all u care den we type the comments wad. wad we write, u care alot huh? so mindful for wad. u close case? u sure or not. haha! run back and get shelter from ur kaikim la. ha! we choose to be called our OWN names. and nto anonymous. haha! wad "give my comments not my here but ur there.." wad sia? wad here wad there? no up no down. no big no small. no left no right. close case is not a word to use. find better words to substitute it la huh. oh well. i am done wif commenting. ha! this is for u, jaslyn: where r ur frds who helped u in ur blog? gone?? : wad r ur frds for? oh boy.. all running away seeking shelter.. aww... maybe u might wanna be more considerate wif ur choice of words la huh? i think this is more or less of wad i wanna say. if i haf mre, i will edit. or rather, i will add another post. cos i am not such a coward to REMOVE the whole post.. cheers! |