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Layout: lyricaltragedyPattern: tillyness |
August 20, 2006
oh well~~yday?? hahaha! i didnt go out with FS la. i was so so so tired. i ent to sleep for awhile. can u imagine i am meeting him at like say, 6.30pm.. and i went to oh. and and and. tat stupid gay. NEVER COLLECT PHONE!!!!!!!!!! zzz. i post on my blog to ask him sms/call mi when he collect his phone. but no reply. den i ring him up. den it was off-ed. oh yes. how great!! den later.. i called yk. den yk say he duno. den when i reached home after coming back from my grandmama's house, i went online. that bastard still not online AT ALL ok.. den at the moment i was like: "-_- still sleeping.." wa lau. can u imagine the number of hours he sleeps in?!?!?!?!?!?!?! i wun be able to sleep that long!! oh yea. so i met my eldest sis in my grandma house while my eldest sis and my 2nd sis met ea other at HG mall. i like the mee sua from the taiwan xiao chi stall. the [i think it's oyster mee sua] mee sua is realli realli nice can~~ when i reached, my cousin told mi that my grandpa going to pick him up and bring him to coffeeshop. i'm like WHAT! i mean, if u know wat i mean, it's impossible.. den my grandma told me at the back that my grandpa's not coming. i mean, i didnt wanna tarnish his small mind so i jus said oh really.. den u better get showering. but later, i brought him to like downstairs to buy lunch. cos it's about 12+ and they hadnt eat anithing. so my cousin and i went to buy food. i managed to convinve him to not go to the coffeeshop. so, yea. we walked around with nothing in mind. we jus wander like our good brothers for food. ahha! but i settled for black carrot cake since i'm having my mee sua (slurps). but but but. wa lau. when i ate it, it was so sweet. den it made me sick of the taste. like, YUCKS! eww. can u imagine.. very very very sweet black carrot cake.. yucks. den my sis came. she bought honey green tea for mi. WA LAU! like drinking HONEY ok. it was sweet. i mean honey as in those kind with onli a little little bit of water. yucks. everything i ate or drank is so SWEET. yucks. bleh. like, yucks! ok, so we slacked and slacked. den i went home. so after i didnt get to go out with FS, i ask cal wanna go pasar malam or not. cos i wanna eat and go walk around. in the end the stupid gay buy his things. his aim was achieved but not mine. nvm nvm~ stupid gay. since i'm going wif Daryl on Thurs. muahahahaha~ den in the end we end up watching midnight show. all yz's fault... lol. called derek out to play poker for awhile. mus realli realli apologise to derek leh. make him waste time. but at least we got play hor?? cos we were like rushing le. we literally walked from my home den to CWP k. we reached there, i was perspiring like water fountain. wa lau. i nvr walked so hard before. and the best thing is my leg didnt have the cramp feeling. haha. great!! we watched An American Haunting. like emily rose ba. erm. towards horror. not ghost. not bad. but cal was saying tat the title is wrong.. but, who cares! hahahahaha~ den the 2 gays walked me home. haha! den went online. woody once again, intro pang to me. lol. 2nd time.. told mi tat he's a good catch. LOL!! den i told him i'd rather he catch mi first than i catch him first. haha! cos i'm not the kind who makes first move. haha! but i mus say tat he's indeed a good catch ba~ ahha! and pang's bdae is coming soon. i ask him to date pang den ask a girl to go instead. hahahahaha! den he tell me to go be pang's bday prezzie. -_- and he also said tat he can help me tie ribbon around my neck. -_- wad the hell please.. my mummy's in the hospital now. hope everything is fine. he bdae is next week. suppose to go eat wif her dim sum. her long awaited dim sum.. hopefully she will be out early so she can come with us.. i love my mummy! <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/6694/694/1600/Image077.jpg"> ![]() that's me and my mummy~ haha. chatting wif zhuxin now. she is so bian tai. hahahahahahaha! say i like ms foo. say we together. the rest i dun tell. haha! so bian tai. HAHAH. i BTH. ahha!! ok la. the post is very very long already. ending hereee~ |