Angela Khoo
coming 19 on july 18
emotionally attached
early childhood educator

new PC.
NDS lite.
break from work



Angela ChanAudreyCandice MeiElynnEmmeline Felicia KelineMelissaSandyStefanieYanqin laobuYishanZhuxinAlexAlvinDerekEldrid MonkeyJasonShabri.

Layout: lyricaltragedy
Pattern: tillyness
February 26, 2007
yes yes. CNY is like coming to an end. and if you ask me how much i got for my angpao this year.. all i gotta do is show you my watch.

haha. it's a looney toon series Tazamanian Devil watch. (: i got it at about $200. obviously got abit of money left but obviously, its gone too. hahaha! sold it to me at an offer. which is about $170. not a bad deal aye? bought it on impulse. kinda regret it. but nah! forget it. have alr bought it and scratched it. *heart breaks*

CNY was kinda boring cos the number of houses to visit decreased after my great grandma passed away. furthermore, i aint that thick skin to get so many red packets. get over and done with lor. i mean, i cant do anything aye!

my kids are gonna go for open house tomorrow. one of their classmates. hope they enjoy it. aint gonna follow them tho. hehe!

talking about work. i might be working full day soon. i do hope i take back my own class. hehe!

i am so darn poor nowadays. i duno why. its not as if i am buying some nonsense things. sighs!!! hoping for my next pay to be in.

i forgot what else to type. maybe i'll end with afew photos.

mummy and i
my nice hair
snake. taken at river ang bao 2007. looks like a snail. right?
audrey and i. i like her alot. haha. the picture quality sucks cos i editted it. it looks damn dark before i editted it.