Angela Khoo
coming 19 on july 18
emotionally attached
early childhood educator

new PC.
NDS lite.
break from work



Angela ChanAudreyCandice MeiElynnEmmeline Felicia KelineMelissaSandyStefanieYanqin laobuYishanZhuxinAlexAlvinDerekEldrid MonkeyJasonShabri.

Layout: lyricaltragedy
Pattern: tillyness
February 15, 2005
yea!!!! i am back. my com is spoilt u see.. sighs. now onli fixed it back. SIGHS!!! *rumbles. the repairman is SOOO cute can. haha!

CNY is finishing soon. not much of the festive joy and atmosphere. but nonetheless.. ang baos are still there. haha! i didnt get to eat alortsa bak gua this yr. i reAlli love them. haha! *opps. yeps! this Saturday duno wanna go Dear's aunty's hse. sure paiseh de mah. i feel lyk going. cos i'd be lyk so bored., but.. if hafta leave early.. duno he will be happy or not. den later go there sure will be maluated de mah. right... *sighsss. duno larhs. i feel lyk he abit dun wan mi go oso. hmms. all craps.

yesterday valentines. wasnt realli good i mus say.. i think he now knows wad to do when i am angry with him. i duno if he knows it as in he knows or it's cos yesterday is and he doesnt wanna mess everything up. but i mus say he is ... sighs. nvm larhs. next yr see how. but i think he'd still be the same. not romantic at all. as usual..

sch has been alright. except for tat fucking chee. she changes our seats lyk as tho she is our Form tcher!!! she sucks boy. SHE SUCKS. she cannot make it la! bloody bitch. she loves to act big. however.. she is alreadi as BIG as she is. PFFT. jus as irritating as ani ARSE is.

tml got chi and dnt test. actually is todae.. but lyk i didnt go.. i mean dnt test. supposed to be todae. yea.. so hmmm... gonna study later. after i clear the hmwk.. tml maybe come bak chiong SS. so no hmwk left. so far haf been passing my test. but overal for chem failed. jus bcos of my stupid mock exam.

i heard from tinghui tat they're gonna take a mock exam for phy. if they fail, they hafta register for combine science. yea. wish all of them luck..

gu zhen is still alright lorhs. luckily yesterday i nvr play wrongly. den i now knoe where is my sitting le.. infront. so front. sighs. i wish we can get a silver. or better.. Gold. ((:

aniwae. i;m off. if u see mi in sch tml with my left leg's toe abit out. please dun laugh at mi. cos i haf bandaged it. bye~


love ya all~