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Angela Khoo coming 19 on july 18 emotionally attached early childhood educator wishlist
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Layout: lyricaltragedyPattern: tillyness |
May 03, 2006
WEEHOO! i didnt turn up for evening shift todae. BAH! i am tired. and i nid time to recuperate and do my assignment. i did some follow up and oranising. yea. i hope tmr i get off again so i can chiong everything. hehehehehehe. but i cant chiong for long i guess. cos... ... ... ... ... i nid to slp.sighs. i told the boss indirectly i didnt wanna work morning shift. and intro my auntie to her to work for admin. (aniwae, admin post up for grab. anione need a job??) i mean i didnt self-fund $4326 to myself to be an admin. HELLO? and its pretty tiring. i leave home 7am in the morn onli to reach home at 9pm. HELLO? wad is this men. gross! i mean, i hafta work and study. like, WTH? i mean, yes, i am 17 ONLY. and i have the energy to go all out. but during class, i came to realise i was slacking somehow. how to concentrate? and evening i hafta go bak to work. like, BOO! i take cab EVERYDAY u know. to get home. cos i was too tired to stand on the train. YES! imagine how much money i waste already?? she told me yday tat she nids a part time AFTERNOON admin. cos i am onli morning admin. and afternoon i go off to school. oh yes, veri nice. so i told her no point having 2 diff admin. cos u will nid to double up instructions, demostrations, explanations, complains, anithing and everything. and, MY INTENTION WAS: i work for u ONLY in the evening. den admin, its better for u to find one FULL TIME one. cos in the end, not onli u will be confused, the admin will also be confused. cos hafta catch up with wad i finish with. it would be veri veri troublesome. i mean, i hafta work in May for evening shift. so, i will work for u in the evening for a month den I WILL LEAVE after May to find another centre to get myself attached to. but, b4 i can tell her my plan, SHE CUT ME OFF. doh!!!!!!!!!! and i even told her i leave and reach home at wad time. and i tot she could catch some hint, NO WAY!!!! she instead told me she will put mi into the toddler group.. sighs..................................................... which means i hafta work in the morn. i mean, I DUN MIND. but pls dun let me do the evening shift la huh. it realli realli tire me out. now, i can onli pray tat my aunty goes for the interview and pass it. so she give her current boss 1 mth notice for resignation. *prays hard* ok, so much for my complains. i think i will perk up my courage and sms her if i can take evening leave tmr and fri morn leave so i can do my assignment. hai. life of my 17 yr old. i pity my kids next time. when other frds of mine tell their kids how interesting their poly life was, how fun it was. bla bla bla. wad will i tell my kid? "ah boy ah. u know ah. mummy 17 yrs old den work. nvr go poly ah. u cannot follow mummy hor. u mus study well den go poly. enjoy ur life there." WAD THE FUCK?? my ah boy will surely go like: " mummy. y u can den i cannot??" oh boy. how am i gonna answer my kid? SIGHS!! next tym, i will name my ah boy... LENNON or COSMAS or TRISTAN. nice hor? haha/ for girls, i duno. cos i nvr ee ani nice name b4. maybe ALETHEA is nice la. but tat girl in my sch is tooooo spoilt. but, it doesnt sound bad.. right?? WAHAHAHAHAHAHA. i wanna get married NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW! crazy. i am off to dream more. ciao~ 4E3-2005: if u r reading this, pls msn me to tell me if u can make it on vesak day. thanks!! |