Angela Khoo
coming 19 on july 18
emotionally attached
early childhood educator

new PC.
NDS lite.
break from work



Angela ChanAudreyCandice MeiElynnEmmeline Felicia KelineMelissaSandyStefanieYanqin laobuYishanZhuxinAlexAlvinDerekEldrid MonkeyJasonShabri.

Layout: lyricaltragedy
Pattern: tillyness
July 09, 2006
in a week..

1 big thing happened. i guess u know wad it is.

2 times finish work at unofficial hours.

3 ppl got blocked on my msn. some unknown ppl who added me.

4 ppl asked mi this: "so how? got new boyfriend?" hello?!?!?! -_-"

5 days.. slept while patting my kids to sleep.

haha. yea! so interesting rite? yeaps!!!!!!

he came bak from thai lo~~~~~~~~~~ hopefully forget the bet. hahahahahaha!!!!!! so evil. haha! go for 5 weeks den become a thai national. not bad. hahahaha! hmm... next next week.. weekend full. i forgot.. this weekend i free. =X sorry calvin!! hahahahaha. tat is if u r reading this. i forgot next week i free. next next week den busy. hahahaha! sorry lehhh.

bdae coming soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not expecting anithing. lonelyyyy~ haha.

am so lazy to do my practicum stuffs.. but haf to. its like so boring can... sighsss..

oh welllll..............................

today i saw my pri sch frd at the arcade. den i tapped him.. den.......................

[12:48:59 AM] Angela ???™: u rmb ee jun / yi jun?
[12:49:07 AM] hmm haha i'm: ya
[12:49:10 AM] hmm haha i'm: he beng alrd
[12:49:12 AM] Angela ???™: yea lor
[12:49:14 AM] hmm haha i'm: shu fen tell me
[12:49:20 AM] Angela ???™: haiz
[12:49:25 AM] hmm haha i'm: haiz sad for him
[12:49:26 AM] Angela ???™: such a pity
[12:49:27 AM] hmm haha i'm: tat time pri so guai
[12:49:36 AM] hmm haha i'm: now
[12:49:38 AM] hmm haha i'm: so bad le
[12:49:42 AM] Angela ???™: haiz
[12:49:42 AM] Angela ???™: u know
[12:49:47 AM] Angela ???™: jus now i at casueway arcade saw him
[12:49:49 AM] Angela ???™: den i tap him
[12:49:51 AM] Angela ???™: i wanna say hi to him
[12:49:55 AM] Angela ???™: den he turn bak such a beng look
[12:50:03 AM] Angela ???™: i was shocked den i quickly walk off. nvr even wave to him
[12:53:02 AM] hmm haha i'm: u tap him
[12:53:06 AM] hmm haha i'm: he nv ask u hu me
[12:53:09 AM] Angela ???™: huh
[12:53:11 AM] hmm haha i'm: mei*?
[12:53:21 AM] Angela ???™: he turn ard den he stare
[12:53:23 AM] Angela ???™: den i was like :-O
[12:53:29 AM] Angela ???™: den i continue talking to my frd and walk off
[12:53:49 AM] hmm haha i'm: he nv scold u>
[12:53:51 AM] Angela ???™: no
[12:53:55 AM] Angela ???™: he stare den walk away

yea. this is it. so saddening lor. sighs! tats life ba..

might be meeting my pri sch frd. duno wanna go or not. so sian!! kaimeng go den i go. muahahaha!