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Layout: lyricaltragedyPattern: tillyness |
March 10, 2006
alrite. some nonsense post before i go off to the hospital. i am currently STRESSed out. i wanna stay home the whole day and recover from everything. i've been going out like EVERYDAY and i cant keep on pace wif wad i am doing. i wanna clear my room. keep my clothings. fold my clothings. clean up my computer table. boil water. catch up wif frds. bla bla bla. i wanna be me again.i cant help wondering if wad happened to me now is actually retribution for wad i have done. argh. mus i be the one sacrificed? a past of mi feels tat u will be back. i shall harbour no tots as yet bcos the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. still remembered this was told to mi by fiona. one of the person i MUST catch up wif. mdm teo smsed mi yday and told mi to be at st andrews by 8am on mon. yea. i was kinda happy for myself. will u go to the exhibition wif mi? will u be happy for mi cos i got the award? sighs. wonder wonder wonders oh well, calvin, if u r reading this, i've cancelled the class outing alr. so does it mean u still owe mi a movie ticket cos there are less than 20 who's gonna turn up? hehehe. make sure u get well first b4 u go watch movie hor. haha! cos i wun wan to be a dengue suspect too! haha. aniwae, take great care of urself. sch's not gonna start until next mth. recover soon! realli gotta go soon. hafta borrow books. loan books. return books. buy hair gel. argh. so mani things to do!! maybe i shall pop by the library den the rental bookstore den to hospital. get out by 6 and drop down at the stop b4 interchange to buy my hair glaze and dinner. ciao! dear, if u're reading this, wanna tell u i love u loads. i know is weird to say this kinda thing onli after we brk up. but. i would love to tell u this everyday even when we r together. i guess it takes 2 to be apart to know wad they realli mean to one another. i am not saying this for the sake of us getting back together again.. realli. i duno how to express myself. hope u understand.