Angela Khoo
coming 19 on july 18
emotionally attached
early childhood educator

new PC.
NDS lite.
break from work



Angela ChanAudreyCandice MeiElynnEmmeline Felicia KelineMelissaSandyStefanieYanqin laobuYishanZhuxinAlexAlvinDerekEldrid MonkeyJasonShabri.

Layout: lyricaltragedy
Pattern: tillyness
July 09, 2006
to YOU,

i dont know am i suppose to be looking forward to the future with you. or to look back to the past and thus, affecting the possibility of having a future with you.

i admit. i've never liked you before. or rather, loved you. tat veri short time while i was with you, is actually a past. which daunts me up til now. i think we both remember clearly wad happened the first time we met. the whole scene makes me feel as if i am nothing but a toy. i'm realli sorry. and the way you behave and react towards me. actually shuns me away from you very much that i begun to withdraw. quitely, silently..

everytime when you had some problems, you would come to me. everytime when you broke up wif a girl, you would come running back to me. do you know that everytime your number shows, i am terribly shaken? for fear of doing anithing. i tried relpying and answering your calls the first few time. only to realise my fear of you. i cut connections. i also admit tat in the past, i'd onli find you when i'm troubled. thats wad you taught me to do.

now, you told me you changed for the better. i decided to believe you. and today, i think i proved to myself that

i told you time and again. stop asking me tat question. i am realli veri terrified to remind myself of my past. a past even before you. a past that very little know of. i am realli afraid of tat question. its not tat i am not giving you a chance. i think the fact is that, i have not given myself a chance to give you a chance.

i dun wanna fall in love jus like tat. i wanna experience how it is like to be loved. i dont wanna love more than the person who love me. i dont wanna jump into a relationship so fast. i wanna experience how it feels like to be in a courtship. i wanna be cherished. lastly, i wanna be myself. the self tat i am. and not the self which ppl made me to be.
I'm Sorry. Really Sorry..
My Apologise Is All I Can Offer Now.