Angela Khoo
coming 19 on july 18
emotionally attached
early childhood educator

new PC.
NDS lite.
break from work



Angela ChanAudreyCandice MeiElynnEmmeline Felicia KelineMelissaSandyStefanieYanqin laobuYishanZhuxinAlexAlvinDerekEldrid MonkeyJasonShabri.

Layout: lyricaltragedy
Pattern: tillyness
July 11, 2006
so tired la!!!!!!!!! omg. i slept at like 4am this morn and woke up at 7am. haiz. with mucus running down my nostrils like an untapped tap. oh wells. who ask mi.. last min chiong all this observation report. realli do until i can vomit blood..

the best thing is today mus report at work at 8.30AM!!!!! omg. haiz. den... obviously i woke up LATE. and i, being angela khoo, cabbed down as usual. the best thing is. i think comfort increase price. but maybe not. the moment i reach work place.. the taxi fare jumped to like $25. omg can!!!! its like super duper ex lor! $10 more than my usual fare. maybe comfort hasnt increased its price la huh.. perhaps jus tat the no. of ERP i passed increased suddenly. ha! lame. de on the way to work, my pract supervisor sms mi. say she cant come today. like WTF lor. so wad de leh. its like...... i rushed my work until 4+am.. den u tell mi this shits. rah! but maybe its a gd thing. cos i forgot to tpye my pre practicum reflection. heh heh heh.

den in the ctr, my nose realli like tap lo.. haiz. luckily i finish work at 2+.. can go home rest. but no wor!!!!!!! i reach home 4+.. slack and nua.. den mit my pri sch frd. haha! km, yk, jeronme, spon, hs, jason. yk came along. hehe. so long nvr see jason. he changed so fucking much lor. its like................ his voice also changed sia. haha! but i keep thinking that he and _________ not compatible. nvm ba. not for us to say. wish them bliss. hmm. den bought sf's bdae prezzie. i felt so unfair lor! its like y mus mit on her bdae.. so unfair. frigging shit. den mus buy bday prezzie for her. i kinda felt not worth. jus my personal opinion la. i mean.. not the price not worth. jus tat not worth buying tat present for her. aiyaa. i duno wad i talking about. i know can le.

now veri tired men.................... calvin the gay is asking mi days to watch pirates of the carribean. its like.. days i tell him i can, he like purposely avoid them. i cannot, he make noise. -_-" lameeeeeeee!

ok la. i publish post le. byee!