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Layout: lyricaltragedyPattern: tillyness |
March 23, 2006
okie dokie. i am bak. i'm kinda glad. finally got my croco shoes. haha. it was $45 dollars onli. my mum got one also. wahahaha! cool. khaki colour. take photo some other day to post it up.hmm. ok. about school yesterday.. it was the module on child development and growth. new lecturer. more frds. intro was needed. so, yea. i was like, the YOUNGEST. yea. and they were kinda frenly. but its like, i still feel distant la. yeaps. cos i had no attachment. i think i'd better find one soon. yeaps. and we had to buy 2 books. costing like $56 each ok. and it was hella THICK. cos the lecturer is taking us for kids with special needs module. so she told us to buy 2 books. den we were like discussing during break when she was gone to like print the book. haha. so its cheaper u know. damn funny. den she went out to get something. den we went bak to the topic. den she came bak den we kept quiet. haha. damn funny. those aunties. haha. i guess aunties will always be aunties, right? haha. den went home wif sharon(my classmate). den we were discussing some stuffs. she actually turn out to be sharon chong's cousin. haha. such a coincidence la. haha. yea. we were talking about kids (obviously). haha! oh well. the lecturers were calling us teacher. and i wasnt quite used to it. haha. but i know i will. i'd better find myself a childcare soon. so when it comes to practicum, it would be SOOO much easier. haha. and u know wad? hahaha. first day of school, ppl were asking mi "hey, where is ur school?" i was like "uh, temasek tower. :D" den they were like"where is it?" being a silly me, i went like "uh, i duno leh. i think tanjong pagar or tanah merah." haha. this is how stupid i can get. i onli know it was one stop before/after raffles place. depending where u take ur train from. u mus be thinking. there mus be a station before raffles place den my school's station. HELLO! city hall is b4 raffles place. i definitely know my school is not at city hall, right? hehehehe. clever me. so yes. finalise! TANJONG PAGAR is where my school is. haha. eh.. i think so onli. BAHAHAHA! hmm. i think la. tanjong pagar. exit E. yeps. 5th floor. haha. not as if anione will find mi there. but, nahz. haha. listened to some chen weilian's song. i am a fan of his. haha. not a fanatic fan. but, jus okok kinda fan. i find his songs veri nice. and his lyrics kinda meaningful. post up 2 lyrics here. veri nice. (: its in chinese. so if u cant see it, sorry! 歌曲:触摸 歌手:陈伟联 专辑:我只是想要 听说南方从来不会有寂寞 听说在海边世界没有尽头 你哭□告诉我 你和他梦想的种种 我会是你雨天的湖泊 拥抱你的温柔 好想看你的笑容 对离开的他说 你心中那份美丽 怎么找都不会再有 轻轻触摸未来遥远的风 有一天你会找回你的梦 幸福是看得透而不是 舍不得他的所有 慢慢触摸天空暖暖的火 我在这天黑了也不会走 你的快乐除了他 还有我永远守候 不要难过 ---- 听说冬天叶子熟了会脸红 听说在天空有迷人的星座 一起去探险吧 也许你会喜欢而感动 你沉默的时候 我知道你的心还很痛 真想看你的笑容 对你的他大声说 next song: 歌曲:爱恨难 歌手:陈伟联 专辑:我只是想要 天可不可能变亮? 虽然已习惯无止境的黑暗 明天我只凭想象 轻轻触摸你幸福微笑脸庞 即使命运早已向我摊牌 我还是要对他耍赖 愿意光线都被取代 换一点未来 只是爱你也难恨你也难 割舍的勉强 过竟千帆也许遗忘 我被伤的悲伤哦 爱你又难想想的难 永远有遗憾 心口是谁的泪在淌 当是好梦终于做完 ---- 天没有可能再亮! 渐渐你喜欢这黑色的绝望 明天我不用期盼 紧紧抱住我给你我的温暖 http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3lyric&ct=150994944&lf=2&rn=10&word=%B3%C2%CE%B0%C1%AA&lm=-1 ok, for those text in blue, i find it meaningful. hmm. remember i said i was on the phone in the afternoon? it was wif alycia. yea. she was reading mel's blog and she read something and ask mi isst tat i broke up alr. i knew she would ask. so i said yes. yup. my mum asked about him over dinner jus now. yea. she still call him like how she used to. she address him as "你那个". yea. as usual. i duno wad to tell her. jus shrug a lil bit. so, yea. i feel tat wad i say and wad i feel and do, is totally a north and south kinda thing. i'm still thinking about wad i read yesterday. i mean, i could have commented. but, i jus kept quiet. i tot further. like wad will happen if i commented on it? and for ur info, the thing i read, the english was SUPER HORRIBLE. i hafta like interpret it for some time. i duno if shinn agrees wif mi. but hey shinn! if u wanna comment anithing, den comment to ME on msn. dun comment here. hmm. i think i go off le. tmr got school again. -shrugs. |